[center][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/0f1efd86a2d06f9b7038eba9cde26e8c/tumblr_mx4d8mJMmT1t4impao1_500.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/UHUQeZA.png[/img] [hr][hr][b][i]Location[/i][/b]... Dining Hall. [b][i]Interacting With...[/i][/b] Ollie [@Liriia] [hr][hr][/center] [color=#CCFF66]”Yeah, driving through the changes in the weather was inspiring.”[/color] The thunderstorms, the dry heat, everything and nothing in between. And late at night on an empty stretch of highway, she'd roll down her window and listen to the crickets and hoppers chirp their summer heat tune. It was a great drive. It took a week of constant driving, it drained a bit of her savings, but it was worth it, she told herself adamantly. It was worth it because she wasn't buying drugs. Unsurprisingly, breakfast was devoured in silence. Low had never been a chatty girl and unless something mystical happened this year things would stay the same. There was a comfort in the idea of slow change, fast and furious was not her style. Even though she'd led a life of tell-tale drugs and had essentially become the camps 'creature feature', the recovering girl was not a party animal, she did not scope the scene for attractive boys and girls. Rather, simply, she got her high and laid somewhere alone, shivering and sweating the self-concocted misery of man-made drug away. To hear that [color=gray]Ollie[/color] was proud of her made a tiny bird in her heart swell and sing. It was a tiny tune that danced in her blue eyes, a smile passed, covered only for the fact she might have had food on her teeth. They messaged frequently, but they rarely Skype'd or called over the phone. Neither had the time or capacity to keep a piece of technology pressed against their ears besides music. Speaking of, she turned the volume down on her phone, tapped the standard music app and loaded a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4JUXB2JTAU]song[/url] she'd freshly discovered the other day. [color=#CCFF66]”You might like it,” [i]I mean... I do.[/i][/color] Low offered bashfully, the last thought hinted on the edge of her sentence, picking apart the English muffin on her plate. They liked a lot of things together. It was surprising they hadn't put Low on Gray, or Ollie on Green. Of course, their friendship wasn't as petty as that. After the song ran through she closed the app entirely and tucked her cat-cased phone away, missing her own at home. Her psychologist had offered to take care of her smush-faced baby for her, even going as far as to take her into their own home for the summer. 'A pet helps', they said. If only they allowed her to take her precious cat to camp. It would have been less traumatizing to lose her cat to the forest than to someone busting into her home looking for drugs. She'd saved Pagan a few times from disaster, tucking into the water closet while people ransacked her home. They never took anything, as she kept everything simple. There was no tv, no computer. Just her phone which she always kept close to her person. Blue eyes met her friends shaded own with a joyous crinkle. A piece of english muffin passed glossed lips. She hadn't put anything dark on them just yet. That was for the afternoons and nights. At least, that's what she read on a make-up blog.