Greg was in the former gift shop underneath the Statue stocking the shelves with Sky. Though most of the salvage had been moved to Liberty city, Lawrence and the Merc Captain were still at he Library with a few of the other Mercs getting the last of the salvage, including the ruined books so that they could be recycled into supplies for making new books. The main problem they were having currently was deciding where to put religious texts. Eventually they settled on creating a different section for them and fables, in order to separate them from the "definitely false" and "Definitely true" groups of books, otherwise known as fiction and non-fiction. The best copy of each book was being stored in a back room, along with computers, a scanner, and an unfinished printer, the last two being built by Greg out of salvage robot parts. With this equipment they would be able to print new copies of the books they had salvaged. Greg had also started two classes for the people of Liberty city, one was a free reading class which they held here every night, a class which Sky excelled in, and the other was weapons training, a class which anyone but the former slaves had to pay for, which Greg had set up a shooting range outside town for and hired a local mercenary to teach at. He was sure Par would cover the costs of both, as they would increase the demand for his guns and the salvaged books. As they finished a crate off, they heard one of the Mercs shouting. Greg ran outside. The city had bought all of the robots except Prince off of Greg, and had hired many of the Mercs that had helped them at the library. Apparently they were taking the threat of Raiders very seriously.