[@jasonwolf] *sigh* Okay um. I don't like these character sheets because the GM always freaks out like this. I always end up having to trash 1-2 characters just to make y'all happy. Character sheets aren't in any way a part of the story either. Histories should be written in the first post, not on some silly template... So I'm not rewriting it aside from a few small parts. Character sheets do not deserve the critiquing you gave mine. I'd suggest not ripping the other players apart the way you did me. Here's my rebuttals and concerns. 1) You created some "awful disaster" that most of our characters would have experienced that I felt like I had to "write around." At least my situation was very minimal. Secondly, Your character has a LOT of pokemon. Seriously, 21 pokemon. I thought there were much less pokemon in the world? You're breaking all the cardinal and "cool" rules for this RP: there is no way that you as a trainer could solely take care of 21 pokemon constantly. And then if there are two of you with that many pokemon, that's 40 pokemon and I certainly don't see a "pokemon farm" on the map for them to roam freely. So we're keeping them in pokeballs until they're useful...? The human race has gone anywhere in the way they treat pokemon if this is true. It's contradictory to the background story you wrote and confusing to the rest of us. If you are going to have 20-30 pokemon kept in pokeball prisons or on some magical "PC" then I'll likely have to drop. 2) "Rank up from one event" Please reread what I wrote. It was written like that to show that this was the "tipping point" for being ranked up. Not that he was just your average Oak-ranked trainer, but that he had a good standing with people for quite some time already. And the families he helped that insisted on coming up with a "reward" for him, not the town. So they put it together and invited all they could. I also made it more "unofficial" because I didn't want to step on any of [i]your[/i] toes. But clearly I crashed your RP like a bull through a china shoppe. I'll rewrite this a bit to make it more clear. 3) You said there weren't a whole lot of trainers... where the hell did graduation ceremonies come from? How was I supposed to know that there are enough trainers to have regularly scheduled graduation ceremonies? Are there lots of trainers or just a handful? Can you make up your mind? I'm not rewriting this part because I feel that would be contradictory to the fact that there's not a lot of trainers. 4) Yes on lightning rod because: The Bellsprout Ash first faced in the first season of pokemon had the lightning rod ability which prevented it from being affected by Pikachu's lightning. Bellsprout is a flower with some roots and Oddish is a radish whose entire body is underground. Plus, Oddish will be the only pokemon Linnoh has for some time, without evolving. I'm not trying to overpower my Oddish, more like level the playing field since Oddish are so weak. (note the spore abilities) The only thing other I think is a valid concern of yours is the fact that I used the word "rich" because I figured it was a bit out there to begin with. I figured this would have been your [b][i]only[/i][/b] concern, but instead you've dashed a pretty good part of my character's history and in quite a lot of words too. I didn't expect a lashing for creating a character, which is how it feels. I followed your lead and played under the radar. If I was the GM of this RP, I would have likely denied your character... 21 pokemon.... seriously.