Dusk's attention was back on the barman until she barely heard the stuttering voice beside her. She turned towards him leaning closer to understand him. Despite the dark haired man being seated he was still a head or so taller than her standing and clearly nervous as he stuttered and scribbled onto a loose napkin. Dusk glanced between the man and the napkin with a confused look. "Wait....wha?" Before she could finish she was interrupted by the accented voice of a woman who spoke through a forced cheery smile. "Wait a minute.." She hollered out after him as he stood but all she received was a hauntingly distressed glance back as he disappeared into the crowd. The barman returned set her order down right on the marked napkin. "You don't want a piece of him princess...he's a dead man walking" A familiar voice sounded behind he "You gunna share that bottle with me?" That voice sent a shiver up Dusk's spine. "Well fuck me" her words drawled out as sleaziest looking roughneck in the club dismissed the man now identified at 'M' . Dusk glared instantly recognising the man. It was none other then Dominic Lozano- in her opinion one of the cities most loathsome market men. Lozano was an opportunistic dealer known to make a quick buck. While Dusk stuck to her own questionable morals when working within the factions she did put in a tremendous amount of effort managing her contacts and setting networks unlike this fuck stain who would muscle his way into any deal he could just for the fun of it. She knew this asshole all to well, to say she had a few unsavoury dealings with this jerk was an understatement. He was clearly on the top of her shit-list, hell she would have gotten Sonny to put him down hard after their last run-in a few weeks ago which saw Dusk and her partner Grange being robbed of a deal worth at least five grand, not exactly chump change but they knew better as he was protected species- he had some serious contacts within the New Order faction. Any source of action against him would cause some serious reaction from New Order and Dominic knew it well. Not even [I]her[/I] contacts within New Order could give them that free pass. "The pleasure would be mine" Dominic retorted licking his lips suggestively. Dusk scooped up the napkin and bottle in one hand and glass in the other. She suddenly felt suffocated and it intensified as he lent closer blocking her from leaving the bar. Dusk rolled her her eyes "It's an absolute delight to see you again Dominic" sarcasm oozed from her words. "Oh you missed me didn't you?" Dominic bantered back. "What dragged out you out of the sewer tonight?.... No doubt screwing someone over yet again" Dusk said flatly. "You know me" Dominic teased tracing his finger across her hand suggestively. It made her skin crawl so much she shuddered, how he could think he could ever get get a chance. "Seriously!?" Dusk growled, turning away she tried to push past but he Dominic latched onto her wrist spilling the drink in her hand. He lent in close and whispered in her ear "Seriously Dee...I've got somethin real good lined up....and after tonight.... I think your gunna want me real close." Dusk felt blindsided, first the man named 'M' with his erratic cry for help and now Dominic and his 'advice'. It was all straight out of left field. Dominic released her wrist and winked with a crooked smile. Dusk glanced between Dominic and Anita back at the booth, unimpressed she shook her head slowly. Dusk had nothing more to say and left him at the bar, the SOS napkin and bottle in hand.