[@Izuriel Steam] If you think this is tearing apart then I'm sorry. genuinely sorry. I know I am terrible as critiquing other peoples work. I know I need work, but I can't do that without doing it. I saw three points that I thought were small and didn't realize they meant so much to you. That's why I offer the rebuttals. I agree character sheets are not enough to really give characters. I've had people hand in great sheets then play terribly. It's all we have though. If I knew a better option I'd take it. I don't have time right now to fully reply, but I now can understand things. I'll try to get clear replies up soon as I can. EDIT: alright have some time now. 1. To put Jaklo in perspective he is equivalent to an elite four while all of you guys are normal trainers. He's not a normal player character. He's basically going to be acting as IC GM. He'll be handing out assignments, occasionally dropping in for meetings, and other things, but he won't be there for normal events. His pokemon are from a number of areas since he's a well traveled guy. He's been doing ranger work for 17 years (and I've been in debate of making him older than that since it seems a bit odd still for a 27 year old to be incharge of all of this). His pokemon tend to stay around his house since well that's home, and since pokemon are sentient beings(tamed ones being very much logical) they can fend for themselves at home (Mako is the only exception staying at the HQ since they have a BIG tank there for water pokemon[RP wise to explain fish and such out of wter I've been thinking they just have to return to water every couple hours]). I didn't put anything like that on the map since I didn't see the point of adding it then. The Trainer HQ has a set up for tending to pokemon, but most trainers only have a few you are right about that. Jaklo is an exception because he is supposed to be the big impressive boss. He's not just a trainer he is THE trainer. he's a man in his prime who has been above and beyond expectations. That's why he's the trainer head. He's the best in the region. Yeah it pushes that rule of cool, but I was kind of going for this character who's been built up with all these tall tales and while impressive is actually just a laid back kind of guy who does what has to be done. The only reason I've written him up is so he can be referenced since you probably all would know your boss. As for pokemon populations things are fairly stable right now. You have to travel to find certain one, but pokemon are still numerous in their safe habitats. It's more about finding the habitats. Ex. Jaklo has a Krookodile. That is not local to the area at all. He got that while out west. I've been looking at the games and how in most of them you can find pokemon in any area that is remotely suitable for them. Does it have rocks? then you can find Rhydon here. Is it a cave? here have a pseudo legendary dragon. Now to get species that aren't indigenous you have to travel very far. 2. And this is why I have the rebuttals because with this yeah it's really clear I screwed up big time. I rushed misinterpreted, and well I think I was the bull going through your writing. I think really if anything really bugs me still it was him getting a title. 3. There are enough trainers in the oak and bronze ranks for ceremonies. I swear I wrote them down somewhere, but if memory serves it was about 20 oaks and 15 bronze. When ten move from bronze to silver then ten will move from oak to bronze and ten will become oaks, so 30 people in a town like this seemed like enough for ceremony. 4. Alright then, but may I ask for the caveat that it has to bury itself to use it? it shouldn't be hard since that's what oddish do during the day. After all how is it rooted if it isn't actually rooted. I've always seen Lightningrod's point as stopping it from hitting others rather than negating dmg. grass types just take minimal damage from grass, but I suppose this'll work. EDIT 2: It's hard to phrase this exactly but I do hope you stick around. There certainly a value in someone who sticks to what they believe even when it's something which I don't agree with. having someone who has different thoughts and is honest about them is someone I really could use to help keep this RP strong. I know I will make mistakes, and balance is not my forte. I know Jaklo is way up there, but that's the kind of person I wanted to write for this, and yes I should bring him back a bit (I've already been looking at his pokemon again. I had this weird idea to make him semi-focused on dragons and dragonoids[yea for making up words], now I see that's rather unneeded.) But it's just who I am. I write to get out of the stale limited world I come from. I make these characters that hold my ideals and often because of that I make them just too perfect. I know you said you don't like the character sheet style, but could you do me a favor and tell me really why Jaklo would be denied? I'm certain you have more thoughts than him just having a large pool of pokemon. EDIT 3: see this is why I like counter arguments gets people thinking. I've decided to upscale the town and population some. I've realized it would benefit the world if we had space for more specialization and improving possibilities. The town really only had enough people to do the farming and the basic trades, but I've been a fool to overlook the care needed for pokemon. I looked to much to the game where they need nothing but to sit in a pokeball or box, and ignored that they need to be living breathing beings too. Ironic considering the themes of the RP. I'm going to be redoing that map to expand on it all, and clarifying pokemon in the new world. Pokemon are not super rare. They are very segregated since regions are now more distinct rather than being able to be in every region that's remotely habitable. Weedles are still plentiful in letchworth, but way back when so were pokemon like Ursaring. Now they only live much further north or near the mountains. Pokemon are all over in town. They largely are beasts of burden and pets/friends. The cattle in the south are food (largely miltank that have been surviving since the area around letchworth used to be big farmland). These cattle pokemon are dumb and animalistic while pokemon that bond with people rise above that. Most families have a pet pokemon usually little ones like skitty or caterpie some have more odd pokemon at least one family has a pet onix (Don't worry it's on the smaller side only 23ft long.) As for those maps I'm making Letchworth much bigger and moving it a bit on the map. Gonna add an area across the gorge that is entirely dedicated to the rangers for all sorts of things, but HQ is still in the center of town.