[quote=@ayzrules] LOL I have chinese friends whos mom is literally the perfect example of a Chinese tiger mom and even she hasn't made them start applying for college...they're juniors at a magnet STEM high school rn I also know of this guy who took multivariable calculus in 8th grade and kids who've had research papers published in scientific journal articles-I don't need another person to be emphasizing my simple potato existence ;( [/quote] [quote=@Keyguyperson] My best friend is going to a boarding school D.C. that was founded for the sole purpose to training people to become senators and governors. Being an assistant in the Senate is a required activity there, and only two people from our school are allowed to go. Meanwhile, I'm over here, not even being in a club. [/quote] Hahahaha, I like it when I know like everything about someone who other people are talking about with vague information :b And I ain't creepy, we just good friends.