[@Cuccoruler][@Kael Taiyou][@Flamelord][@Eviledd1984][@Gummi Bunnies] [center][h2]Ryu[/h2][/center] [i]"Don't worry, I'm here. And don't worry about those who defeated you, they have left this country. They will return in time, but for now they are no immediate threat."[/i] Ryu breathed a sigh of relief as he wipes his forehead of all the sweat. Yet he was still worried. Not only did they have to worry about the Alliance coming in and destroy everything, but also this new demon-like threat. Whoever they were... whatever they want... as Nova said, they'll be back. And they'll come back with a vengeance... [i]"There are many evils on this world. Since I first asked you to assist me, many more have claimed their hold on this place, and I know not how many allies I can find within this realm. However, we have achieved a victory today."[/i] Triumphantly, the Emperor holds up the toy train. [i]"This seemingly mundane object has formed an interdimensional link of some sort. Using this, it's possible to travel from world to world, universe to universe. I'm not certain whether I can properly use it, but I will decode it's secrets in time. I will send those who wish to return to their homes, and I will call forth my armies... or what's left of them."[/i] He gestures to the south and north, as if pointing through the walls of the palace. [i]"The evils on this world are far from our position, and many do not yet know of our stronghold. As long as we are able to hold this location until I can unlock the secrets of this device, we will be able to surmount the threats that face us."[/i] Ryu wasn't so sure about that last part Nova said... "Whatever pit those things came out of," Ryu began urgently, "They aren't the only group we must worry about. We recently encountered another army, rather an alliance known as [b]The Alliance Of Conquerers[/b]. They thankfully didn't follow us, but I fear that they'll release their own army in perhaps a few hours." He then looks at the little train that Nova has in his hand. "We can't stay here Nova... it's too dangerous. If we stay, then we'll die. Even if we survive, we'd loose many allies and might be at the mercy of the next wave that'll hit us." Ryu then points to that train. "THAT train is our ticket out of here. We need to move quickly... and to somewhere where we'll be safe. Question is... where would it be?" At that point, Gojira-San arrives (Moon Sanato seems to have left so I'm just pretending she never happened until she posts) to where everyone was, relieved that everyone was safe and sound... [hr] (Second part coming later on).