[@Caits] [color=00aeef][b]FERRIS[/b][/color] What in the seven Hells happened last night? Ugh, note to self. Keep it easy on the booze or else weirder stuff will happen. Well, at least she didn't let it bother her much. She still was as cheerful as ever though she was probably just as confused as he was. [color=00aeef]"Okay let's get a move on!"[/color] He grabbed her hand and rushed out of the hotel room with her until they were outside. Ferris let go of her hand and clasped his hands together. [color=00aeef]"Digital Make: Motorcycle!"[/color] Electric blue energy in the form of cubes soon formed together to form a motorcycle and with a flash it turned into a realistic red motorbike. [color=00aeef]"Get on!"[/color] Not wasting a moment as soon as she got on, he revved the construct and off they went to the stadium. Soon they had arrived and into the building. [b]"Why are you two so late?! The games are going to start soon!"[/b] It was woman in her mid-twenties with brown hair cut into a bob-cut and wore round glasses. She was the one who organized the staff so the games could run as smooth possible. [b]"Just because you just talk doesn't mean-!"[/b] She stopped mid-sentence as she got a good look of Ferris. There were hickies all over his neck and even some on his cheeks. There were even some on Jessie's neck! [color=00aeef]"W-why do you guys...?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"I don't know what you are talking about. Time for another day of work!"[/color] Ferris sped-walk by her with a blush tinting his cheeks. [@Zarkun] [color=00746b][b]NOLAN[/b][/color] [color=00746b]"Shitty swordsman."[/color] Nolan muttered as he followed Damian and the rest out of the hotel. It seemed like he was in a bit more of a fouler mood than he usually he is in. It seemed like yesterday's events had taken a lot out of him and his patience were very worn thin.