[h2]Gloria Lieth - Cafeteria[/h2] There weren't many factionless that survived for any length of time. If you lasted longer than a month your were skilled, if you lasted more than two Gloria would remember there names. She hadn't seen many, herself Edmond, Hypolyta before she'd told her soul and this kid. Gloria didn't really like him. Maybe it was because he sold out to the factions. He kept himself safe by delivering messages as a neutral party between the various faction leaders. Gloria would like to think her dislike and distrust of him was because he involved himself with powers that she found unsavory, she would have loved to claim the moral high ground but the truth was that she hated him because his power out of everyone's in the prison still functioned even under the effects of the ability dampeners. Gloria knew that she would easily kill if it meant being able to run free and slip through the foundation of the world once more. Still it didn't hurt her to be responsive. After Gloria had been removed from school because of her [i]abnormality[/i] she'd had a lot of free time on her hands. She'd go down to the pool halls, walk the town but she wasn't foolish. If she was going to survive and make something of herself after she escaped home she'd need the skills that high school taught that she wasn't getting. She'd taken some legitimate online classes but mostly she'd just learned the things that interested her. For a time she'd had some interest in the realm of disabilities, the blind, the deaf, the mute. It likely had something to do with her sister's psychosis but the result was that Gloria could in a limited fashion sign in ASL. She wasn't exactly fluent. In fact she probably knew less than two hundred words but it was enough to hold a simply conversation with a deaf or mute person. It was common knowledge that the Messenger's voice didn't work and he had to borrow everyone else's. Since powers usually developed in the teen years Gloria thought it likely that he also could sign. Without looking at him Gloria set her spoon down and started to move her hands. [i]You don't have to do that."[/i] she signed to him before resuming eating. There was a loud sound across the cafeteria and Gloria turned to look at a girl toss her food onto the floor. Gloria moved like lightning, she dashed to the fallen food picking up the bowl and what was left of the gruel inside. Then she returned to her own place and continued to eat. It was sort of an unwritten rule in the prison that food belonged to whoever could take it and you didn't poison the stock. The prisoners got too little to eat to be able to throw it away like that.