[b]Sasha[/b] [@burthstone] [color=6ecff6]"Just be careful, then. There's some weird stuff going on, lately"[/color] Sasha said, knowing that Mayt was capable of looking out for himself, but also knowing that some sort of darkness was rising, perhaps had been for a long time. [color=6ecff6]"Take a vision lacrima, that way you can check in on the games, if you want"[/color] she suggested, returning his smile, before hurrying along so as not to be left behind by the rest of the team, hearing the announcement of the magic council being introduced even from the hotel. [color=6ecff6]"See you later, then!"[/color] she called over her shoulder, to Mayt and the others. [b]Announcer Jessie[/b] [@hatakekuro][@Leslie Hall][@Demous] jessie quickly made sure she hadn't left anything behind, before letting herself be dragged along by Ferris, watching as he formed a motorcycle. Giving a surprised laugh, she climbed on behind him. At their boss's indignation of them being late, she just smiled, and blew a kiss, a butterfly forming and flapping around the woman. [color=f6989d]"Just a little fun, Ma'am. Aw, look! He's blushing, how cute!"[/color] She gave a chuckle, glad for her own glamour which made her own blush be unseen. [color=f6989d]"We kinda overslept, sorry!"[/color] She winked, and trotted off after Ferris, quickening her speed, she leaned up, and gave Ferris a kiss on the cheek, toying with him now, before darting off ahead, and into the booth, finding the half unconscious Sheldon. She planted her hands on her hips, and just stared at him. [color=f6989d]"Well, that's what you get for messing with my equipment!"[/color] She said quite sternly, before lowering her charms, and sitting at her mic. [color=f6989d]"Sorry about that, Folks! Guess we over did it last night, and had too much fun!"[/color] She gave an easy laugh, [color=f6989d]"Sheldon's messing with things he ought not too, and learned a valuable lesson on that! Oooh! Look! its Axis! You've heard of the white knight, well, this guys the black knight! Aw, but where's Veras? Sometimes I wonder if Axis can get anything done with out her! And Reito! Such wonderful mages on the council so far! Certainly a lot better then the old!"[/color] Another laugh, [color=f6989d]"Certainly a good start to the magic council introductions, wouldn't you say Ferris?"[/color] She looked over and gave him a smile . [b]Carrie[/b] Carrie had always felt like she was the odd one out on the magic council, now more then ever, but She had noticed Vera's uneasy. Going over to the woman, Carrie nudged her "Go on, the announcers right. Axis would be lost without you. You might not have the title, but that doesn't mean you aren't magic council. Go. Make sure he doesn't make a fool of us" She gave Vera a smile,