[color=#EE6DE8]Name[/color]: William "Bill" Pooley [color=#EE6DE8]Age[/color]: 37 [color=#EE6DE8]Appearance[/color]: On his best days, Bill Pooley resembles a large, shaved bulldog. His Anglo-Saxon skin is in a permanently fluctuating state of sunburn, and as a result, many farmhands call him "Pink Bill", though few are foolish enough to say it to his face. Rather than hide his baldness, he shaves his head every morning with a razor and can usually be seen scratching at a cut or scab on his scalp. A lifetime of brawling has given him a flat face, with an unsightly meatiness to his features -- His nose has been broken many times, his ears are cauliflowered, his lips appear to constantly be swollen, and his forehead is a visibly protruding ledge. In short, Bill Pooley has won few beauty pageants. Although not especially short or tall he has a squat, muscular physique, and a neck that resembles a fleshy tree trunk. His shoulders are sloping and wide-set, and every inch of his flamingo-tinted skin seems to stretch over a block of muscle. The most notable part of Bill's physique, aside from his robustness, are his nearly baseball-glove sized hands. Bill owns one pair of clothes -- A pair of blue jeans, work boots, and a cream-colored workshirt that seems two sizes too small. In the winter, he wears a denim jacket and a flat cap. [color=#EE6DE8]Personality[/color]: Bill's greatest redeeming quality is that he is a hard worker -- there is little else you can say about him for the better. He is aggressive and bullheaded, and thoroughly enjoys starting fights. He is a bully by nature, and though there are few men he wouldn't pick a fight with, he especially enjoys picking fights he knows he'll win. He is both racist and sexist, though this is largely because he enjoys following schools of thought that allow him to define himself as "superior" rather than any actual prejudice. Aside from his lust for violence, Bill has a penchant for drinking, which acts (surprisingly) as a method of pacifying him. When inebriated, Bill is generally too giggly to seek out violence, though his cruel sense of humor and impolite disposition are too deeply ingrained in his personality to cull with liquor. [color=#EE6DE8]History[/color]: Bill was not born into wealth, but craved it from a young age. Hailing from Erie, Pennsylvania, Bill's upbringing is not at all surprising considering his demeanor. As a boy he was a schoolyard bully, and as a young man he was a common street thug. Though he lacked the higher thinking for large crimes, Bill spent most of his youth starting brawls in bars, making most of his living pilfering through the pockets of men he had beaten unconscious. Eventually, Bill was arrested and imprisoned for two years on assault charges, though his violent streak granted him another six years for the guards and prisoners alike he had assaulted during his stay in prison. After being released at 29, he became a drifter, hopping from town to town in search of either drinks or work. Eventually he settled in Eastport, finding that the life of a farmhand required all of the muscle he had, and none of the brain power he was without. [color=#EE6DE8]Speech Color[/color]: Pink. [color=#EE6DE8]Traits[/color]: Boxer +1, Prize-Fighter +4, Hot-Headed -3, Racist -3, Slow -1