[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5mMjAyNzAuVTJGeVlXZ2dVbWwyWlhKaC4xAA,,/my-font-addiction.regular.png[/img] [color=#157DEC]"I'll love you forever, even after you're dead"[/color][/center] [color=#157DEC]Sarah cried for several moments, unable to reign in the extreme emotional loss that she was suffering from. Eventually, she slowed to a gentle sob as she inspected her beloved decease for a closer look. He seemed...somewhat at peace. Even with the dark blood that oozed from the stab wound at the back of his head. It was then that Hunter[@Remipa Awesome] approached, yet his words were far to muffled due to her emotional breakdown for her to comprehend but as soon as he reached out to embrace her, she roughly pushed him away. [b]"Do not touch me."[/b] Her ice blue eyes flashed with feral warning. Obviously she was jumping straight into stage two of grief...anger. She did not want to be comforted right now. Fuck having a damn shoulder to cry on, especially from a stranger. The shoulder she had relied on and needed....was no longer here for her. Turning back to her husband, she attempted to collect herself and face reality. He was dead, and he wasn't coming back. Tears pooled once more and her lower lip quivered as she tried to refrain from breaking down....especially before the two strange men. Sarah reached for her husband's left hand and gently pulled the gold wedding band from his finger. She searched his body for weapons but found none, then extracted his wallet from his pocket. Opening it, the picture of him in his swim shorts flashing his refined glorious body where he was holding her who was dressed in a sexy little black string bikini, slipped out. They were standing on the white sandy beaches of Hawaii where they had spent their honeymoon. There was a note written on the back of the picture which read... [i]“I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours. ”[/i] It was a quote from the Notebook, her favorite love story. Tears began to slowly run down her cheeks and she retrieved the last thing in his wallet, another note... [i]Little Mami, If you are reading this, I failed you, and for that I will never forgive myself. Please, know that I'll be watching over you, and I will never stop loving you. Lastly, I shall leave you with one of your favorite quotes. Keep this in mind. Gather your courage and strength and never let your guard down. I always believed you were an Angel sent from Heaven, with your passion to love and help other people. You must continue on without me, my love. I have faith in you. Never give up hope and let them see you shine. "The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. Maybe they always have been and will be. Maybe we've lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we've found each other. And maybe each time, we've been forced apart for the same reasons. That means that this goodbye is both a goodbye for the past ten thousand years and a prelude to what will come.” We will see each other again, and I'll be waiting for you. Love forever and always, Steven[/i] The tears flowed down her cheeks as she silently lamented over his kind goodbye. She quickly stood and hastily brushed the tears from her cheeks. Turning to the football player, she couldn't hide the scowl of disgust....yet he had saved her. Her anger didn't soften but she forced a voice to express her gratitude. [b]"Thank you....for that. He was my husband."[/b] Her eyes hardened and she gathered her courage and strength. Walking into the apartment, she barked an order to Hunter, and the tall football player. Hopefully Hunter would forgive her later on for being so rude. [b]"Gather everything that you can carry or need from this apartment, supplies wise. I have a Camaro SS downstairs that has a full tank of gas. It has a large trunk for supplies, but not much room for passengers. Also, I have a full 5 gallon spare tank of gasoline outside in the trunk of my car. Start gathering whatever y'all need so we can head towards this "safety bunker. I need a moment to collect myself, then I'll join you in packing and making preparations to get the fuck out of here."[/b] And with that command, she disappeared in her bedroom and slammed the door shut behind her. [@Desire] Without stopping to think, she moved quickly to pack a large backpack with all of her medical supplies and several spare changes of underwear and clothes. Sarah changed quickly, starting with a clean black bra/panty combo and then into comfortable, yet form flattering jeans, followed by a loose, low-cut black tank top. Putting on her sturdy cowgirl boots after some clean socks, she concentrated hard on keeping her mind busy with what to pack. Getting out of this apartment was for the best she decided, seeing as so many fucking new people, along with walkers were all of a sudden showing up out of nowhere. Where the fuck did they all come from??? Standing, she attached the holster that Hunter had generously given her, clicked the safety back on, and sheathed her handgun firmly in the holster. Hopefully she wouldn't need it again but grabbed the two30 round extra mags for her beretta 9mm that she owned. Next, she retrieved the nifty war scythe she had come across on one of her first raids. It was a real beauty with a sheath for protection which she hid on her back beneath her backpack. It was a perfect fit and concealed perfectly....although if one really looked, they would be able to see it. The last thing she did was take a sturdy silver chained necklace and attach her dead husbands wedding band to it. She slowly put it on while glancing at her self in the mirror. Her eye liner was smeared from crying so she hastily tried to wipe it off. Her ivory skin was pale with shock, but Sarah couldn't help but admire herself in the mirror. She took the note Steven left for her, along with the picture and concealed it within her bra, next to her left breast...close to her heart where he would forever remain. [b]"I'll always love you Steven, even after you're dead."[/b] Tears glistened her beautiful blue eyes. Taking a deep breath, she once again regained control of herself and walked out of her bedroom to join the others. A new face, some blonde bitch[@Symphoni] was standing in the doorway. WHERE WERE ALL THESE PEOPLE COMING FROM?! FUCKING A! [b]"Who the fuck are you?"[/b] Sarah moved her hand to hover just above her handgun, ready to use it if this bitch was trying to stir up some shit. After all, blondes were notorious for that....right? Sarah had forgotten about the other people downstairs, but this chick wasn't them. Blondie was a new face, which Sarah glared upon coldly. Due to her loss and already overcrowd apartment, she was running low on feeling hospitable. A sudden movement behind the chick drew her attention to settle on the face of a young boy.[@Wade Wilson] Her glare softened a bit, but turned immediately to glare at this stranger and demanded to know her attentions. Sarah had an abundance of supplies....but if anymore showed up....it would probably turn into a fight on who got what. Fuck that. This was her apartment and her shit. And right now....she only trusted Hunter and Cole....but even then it was hard to truly trust anyone. Especially, now that she was alone. But she had a promise to keep, and did desire to help people. Only after she stopped grieving. So....second stage of grief. Anger. And she was full of the vile emotion and didn't want all her raiding to be for nothing. If anyone made a move to harm her or steal her things without asking, she wouldn't hesitate to shoot them punk as bitches in the face. [/color]