[hider]Draesk the Hunter [b]Name:[/b] Draesk [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]weight:[/b] 225 pounds [h1]The hunter[/h1] [b]appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/06/b6/2e/06b62e70c29ad364277ac3cececd2a3e.jpg[/img] [b]weapons and armor:[/b] - 1 steel longsword - 1 silver longsword - 2 silver daggers - leather armor with chainmail worn above [b]skills and abilities[/b] - adept with a longsword and knives - adept in the use of a whip and chain-whip - trained in hand to hand combat - peak physical shape for a human - ages extremely slowly has a life span that can be over 300 years - proficient blacksmith - can utter the words "Fire burn, evil fall, may these holy flames purify all" to ignite his silver sword in blazing yellow flames. These flames are extremely dangerous to monster burning them four times as much as they would a man. [h3]history[/h3] Draesk was born to a butcher and a midwife in a humble village on the outskirts of a medieval kingdom. His father was known to have the best cuts of meat for miles around and many of the nobles came to him to have game butchered. Draesk always watched as the young squires came in with their mentors wishing he was one of them and that he could go on adventures. However for the son of a butcher this was nothing more than a pipedream. When he was 14 Draesk was apprenticed by his father to the town blacksmith. Working the forge and using a hammer built strong and lean muscle and taught him a profession. For the first few years life went about as normal, Draesk performed his assigned tasks then headed home or slept at the shop. He even had a crush, a young maiden with hair the color of straw whose father came in regularly to have tools repaired. Despite all this Draesk always wanted to forge a sword, but it was forbidden for anyone but nobility to have one. In his seventeenth year of life Draesk was sent on an errand by the blacksmith. He was to deliver a package to one of the nobles in a neighboring village. Draesk set off for the three day journey and encountered no trouble, however on the second day he could almost swear he could hear screams on the wind. Pushing past his fear Draesk delivered the package, a fine array of silver cups, to the nobles and began the arduous journey home. However, what he would discover upon his arrival would haunt his dreams to this very day. His entire village butchered and their remains desecrated and scattered about. Blood and amputated body parts littered the cobblestones of the streets and the shops were ransacked. Windows were broken and glass scattered across the ground, there were claw marks like enormous beasts had raked them down the walls. Stumbling through the chaos that was once his village Draesk heard a sound, a quiet gurgling and rasping rising from behind some stones. Slowly walking forward Draesk saw the girl with straw hair, her back leaning against a stone, desperately she clung to life a hideous bite to her neck letting her blood flow to the ground. Draeskran forward and knelt beside the girl. Trying to comfort her he pulls her into an embrace singing softly and rocking back and forth to soothe her and make her journey easier. Tears ran down Draesk's face as the girl fell silent and he held her in his blood-soaked arms finally understanding that everything he had ever known was dead. Suddenly the girl's eyes shot open and she turned and bit into his arm, blood gushing forth from the deep wound Draesk dropped her and stumbled backwards. The girl rose and stumbled towards Draesk her form beginning to change as her features began to reflect those of a dog. Just before she could strike a silver broadhead sprouted from her chest, as she fell her claws raked Draesk's face and he was thrown to the ground. The last think he remembered was being rolled onto his back and looking up into the eyes of a man with hair as dark as night and eyes blue as the sea. When Draesk awoke he was on his back in a house both hands chained behind him with a silver shackle. The man explained to him that his village had been attacked by lycans, children of the moon and that he had been infected. However, instead of killing him the man had decided to turn him into his apprentice, a monster hunter. There was one catch, Draesk must drink a potion of wolfsbane and Aconite ever full moon or he would turn into a wold and have to be killed. Hastily agreeing Draesk was accepted by the middle aged man and began to be trained in the arts of combat. For the next three years Draesk trained nonstop. The older man beat him savagely during sparring sessions and relentlessly drilled him in longsword combat, making him wear armor at all times even when he slept. Eventually the leather and chain felt like a second skin to Draesk, and the longsword became an extension of his own body and will. At the end of his twentieth year Draesk was allowed to forge his own blades, he chose to make one blade of silver with runes of flame running along either side, when he made the choice Draesk could mutter the words "Fire burn, evil fall, may these holy flames purify all" and the blade of the sword would be coated in magical flames burning a brilliant yellow. He also forged a standard steel sword and was sent out on his journey to find and kill monsters.[/hider]