Name: Jack “Mad Jack” Campbell Age: 38 Appearance: Height: 5’10”, Weight: 175lbs. He has brown hair with peppered grey throughout. He received a glasgow smile during the war. ( A cut that curls from the corner of the lips to the upper or lower cheek, upper in this case. ) He has brown eyes, and a bent nose. Broken from a fight. Low cheekbones and a square jaw. He often has a a few weeks worth of beard growth. He has large bags under his eyes, and crow's feet along the corners of his eyes. Personality: Mostly a loner, though he often seeks the comfort of alcohol with a close group of friends. When he's not seeking solitude, he can be helpful often he puts on the facade of being cheerful and outgoing. He dislikes the loud people, and enjoys the company of books though he can hardly read. He also is fascinated by weapons and has a natural talent for shooting. History: Jack grew up on a farm in Montana, he worked hard and was always outgoing. He never really got the opportunity to go to school due to having to stay home and work. He spent most of his time hunting when not working. He was one of three boys, the oldest. His mother died after the birth of his youngest sister Esmeralda. His father a devout man emeged himself in worship and work. Jack took most of the responsibility on the farm with his father allowing his brother and sister to go to school and get and education. 1914 war broke out, and he volunteered. And left the next week, his father was angry with him and never forgave him. Boot Camp was tough but he managed to plow through it. He was put into the infantry. He was the best shot in his platoon, and was made the designated marksman of the company. After three years America entered the war, and he fought across france and killed his own share of men. In a hand to hand skirmish, he was cut badly across the cheek. Later in the day his best friends were hit by enemy artillery. Being the last one left alive, he charged across the muddy field his bayonet fixed. narrowly being killed by bullets he landed in the trench and began to fight. He killed six of the germans and took the other eight as prisoners. Afterwards they gave him the moniker “Mad Jack” He survived battle after battle, and eventually was sent home when the war ended. He was numb on the inside, his father hated him still and his brother and sister didn’t recognize him. He left the service and helped out on the farm for another year before leaving and moving into the mountains. He found that the thrill of the hunt was gone and it had become too easy. He stayed isolated only returning to town for a drink and to stock up on other essentials. He smoked a pack a day, and drank a fifth of liquor between two days. Though he could easily drink more. The following years he managed to get married which ended in divorce, he had two children with the woman. He started to work at a local copper mill. His family moved to Maine to be with her new lover, leaving him alone again. His life was colorless and his drinking increased. He spent most of his savings drowning out the darkness in his life. Speech Color: Maroon Traits: Veteran +1, Sharpshooter +2, Hunter +2, Shell Shocked - 2, Addict (Alcohol ) -2, Smoker -1