[center][color=DA70D6]Name:[/color] Lisa Ingrid (though she goes by Ellie) [color=DA70D6]Age: 16[/color] [color=DA70D6]Appearance:[/color] Ellie is a small girl at only 5'4" with a petite frame. She has a round blue eyes and dark brown hair (usually up in braid-buns or just braids). She has a button nose and thin lips with chubby cheeks. Freckles line her arms and her neck. She has a slight limp to her left foot from an occurrence in New York. She's small enough to reach into tiny spaces and has tiny wrist and hands that can squeeze into small places as well. She, sadly, has a resting bitchface and tends to avoid staring at people or gazing on accident. [color=DA70D6]Personality:[/color] Ellie is generally quiet and keeps to herself. She likes to keep herself busy and goes mad if she can't find anything to do. Whenever she can, she studies her English. She's a hard worker and sucks up to the boss whenever she can, because she knows she'll need to. On the outside, she looks like a shy little girl ready for a husband to swoop her off her feet, but she clawed her way to America and to survive in this country and to this job and she isn't about to throw all her hard labor away for a marriage. Ellie is a sly and she knows it. She doesn't obviously manipulate people; she's low key about it. She wasn't always like that, though. Back in Germany, she was a sweet little girl. Though she is not against throwing others under the bus for her betterment, she does hesitate to maim or kill. She avoids the men as much as possible, and when she is around them, she does her best not to speak or imitate a southern accent, for fear they might attack her for being German. [color=DA70D6]History:[/color] Ellie was born in 1918 as the war was coming to a close and Germany was quickly withering under the glare of the Allies. Her mother died during childbirth and for the first two years of her life she lived with her aunt, but her father came home from the war soon enough to raise her. Though he was a former soldier, he did not believe in killing and taught these beliefs to his daughter very early on. As the German economy wrecked under the supervision of the Versailles treaty, things became harder and harder for their little family. Ellie's father would try to gamble in money for them but lost it more than half the time. Finally deciding that Germany was no place for Ellie in 1930, her father taught her English and sent her away to America in 1933 to look for American family. He knew she would be shunned for her nationality, but with bread costing over a thousand notes a loaf, where else could he send her? America was a land of immigrants, even German immigrants, and if she never found their family, she could always find a nice German neighborhood to settle in. They would accept her there. When Ellie arrived in America, she stepped off in New York City and expected a free and happy life, even though her father wasn't there to live it with her. She should've never even dared to think that life in America would be happy. She could barely understand their ugly northern accents, and since the war, many German neighborhoods had been purged and other ethnicities and nationalities had taken them over. The months in New York, she grew a hard shell and a stone heart. Germans were hated; Germans were scum. Desperately trying to search for her American family, she moved to Maine thinking they might be there. She found the farm and found work there as a maid and a cook. [color=DA70D6]Speech Color:[/color] How surprising. It's [color=DA70D6]DA70D6[/color] [color=DA70D6]Traits:[/color] [b]Positive:[/b] -Agile [color=green]+1[/color] -Clean cut [color=green]+1[/color] -Bilingual [color=green]+2[/color] -Sprinter[color=green]+2[/color] -Intelligent [color=green]+1[/color] [b]Negative:[/b] -Lame [color=red]-1[/color] -Churchgoing [color=red]-2[/color] Regarding her limp: One night, while Ellie was trying to find a place to stay (as she was homeless for most of the time and slept in the parks or under bridges), she encountered a few Polish kids and had to hide in a different part of town she had never been into before, so she was out of her element. She made the mistake of passing by a bar full of drunkard men and caught the attention of one. He cornered her, but he was so drunk he was lurching from side to side and almost toppled down a few times. He pinned her down and as she was twisting and turning to get away, she twisted her knee and since she couldn't efford medical treatment (not like any doctor would see to her) it never set right, causing her limp[/center]