[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=TODD%20DILLON&name=SILVS___.ttf&size=50&style_color=331000[/img][/center] In a heat-of-the-moment thing, Todd had followed the blonde woman to the apartment, drawing his BC-41 as a precaution. He noted the Australian woman had done the same. He'd managed to keep up with her as she ran into the apartment building, but the stairs? Oh god no, not the stairs. He trodded up them, breathless, holding onto the walls for dear life. He'd expected some sympathy when he got there, but all he got was a woman glaring at the lady. [i]Hard.[/i] Worst thing about it? [i]He[/i] was the one who felt awkward. And damn, did he hate that feeling. "[color=8B4513]Yeah... nice to... see you too...[/color]" He panted. "[color=8B4513]Can you just, y'know... stop glaring?[/color]" Normally Todd wouldn't use that as a first greeting, but Glare-A-Tron 3000 was beginning to really piss him off. The stage of progression with awkwardness was this: awkward > pissed > fucking crazy > somebody kill me. And that didn't even hit the top of the iceberg. But, either way, there he was - breathless on a set of stairs with someone glaring needles at the person next to him (and possibly him, too), just waiting for an answer.