The game was surely getting interesting as people were getting out and coming back in at a more steady pace. Once Heather made her comment, Adrian found enough strength to get up on the bench. The pain started to go away as he took deeper breaths, but when he looked up he saw Logan coming out. What his eyes caught next caused him to stand too. The little redhead that Alex had been hanging around the night before got hit hard, and he saw something in Alex’s eyes before he headed over to the girl. The game had been stopped, and Alex, a demon whose eyes he had never seen stay a solid black unless he was pissed were solid black. He sat back down, seeing Clary move over to where Alex was leading Jordyn. Alex wasn’t at all happy. Every fucking issue went back to Devin and without Logan in, there was nothing to stop Alex from damn near killing him. His eyes remained a solid black, and he could feel the fire in his veins, a small trickle of it showing in his left wrist. He heard Jordyn mumble she was fine, he looked to her. He helped her sit down, and he saw Clary coming over. “Jo, please just take it easy.” He said, handing her his glasses, trying to keep from looking directly at her. “And hang onto these for me.” He said, and Clary looked to Alex. “Don’t do something stupid, Al.” she said but Alex began walking back on the floor, and she could see his glowing wrist. Clary sat with Jordyn more or less hoping it would help Alex calm knowing she wasn’t alone. Alex was one of the most protective people she knew and he cared about Jo, she could tell. But he was also irrational with how he dealt with this stuff. Clary saw Billie going with Alex. At least she could probably stop him, but Clary hadn’t ever seen Alex this angry. She’d only heard about it. When things blew up with Devin and started the feud, she had been gone for the week to recharge. Now she understood why it had gotten so bad. Alex couldn’t control his temper and Devin was a douchebag. Billie had watched it happened, and when she saw Alex she knew. “Fuck.” She cursed. She looked at Cole, and Cole was looking at the scene when the game stopped. “Cole, we have to find a way to either get Logan back in or Devin out quickly. Alex… he’s gonna kill him if he gets a chance.” Billie said, watching her brother and Jo heading over to the bench. When he handed her his glasses, she saw his eyes. Billie followed after Alex as they went back to the line to restart the game. “Al,” she said, seeing the fire moving up his arm. “You have to calm down.” “I will once that prick gets what he deserves.” Alex spoke, darkly, and once the whistle blew to restart, Billie held Alex back and he looked to her. “Let me go Bill.” “You aren’t thinking clearly, Al. Calm the Fuck down.” She said, and he broke his arm away from her and headed back onto the field, but what happened next Billie saw in slow motion. A ball, thrown by God knows who hit Alex in the face and his whole body lit up. “Shit. Justin!” she shouted, standing in front of Alex pushing him back. She could see his skin tearing open. Long had blown the whistle again and managed to get everyone off the court in time. “Stop!” a voice came from Alex in a deep bellow as his hands went into his hair. It was his voice, but much darker, and Billie noticed the fire moving towards Devin , but she saw it stop as Ash stood before them. Justin was hanging back too. “Out of my way!” Alex pushed Billie out of the way, but she managed to stay on her feet and Blaze and Storm took their positions, snarling at Alex as his skin ripped open more. “Calm the Fuck down! Don’t make me do it, Al!” she warned, and soon Lucifer came down, and Alex looked at him. “Alex, you need to calm down. Your body can’t take another earthly transition. Your form barely survived the last one, and I’m sure you don’t want to be in hell for any length of time right now for recovery.” Lucifer said, but it wasn’t getting through to him. “Just let me do it once.” He said, growing slightly taller the more his anger grew. Billie shook her head, her eyes going over black. Once Lucifer saw it, he turned to the large group and snapped his fingers, watching as the demons and demon breeds had symbols appear on their arms in blood. Billie bellowed in the Ancient language, the same words that she had to Adrian last night, and soon Alex was crumpled to the floor, unconscious. She stopped herself and she brought herself to his side, seeing the rips in his skin gone, and he was back to normal. Her eyes returned to normal, and she gently stroked his hair. “I told you not to make me do it.” She whispered. “Billie!” Long shouted. “Get him out of here!” She nodded and snapped her fingers, watching as his form levitated in front of her, and as she got to the vampires, she stopped before Devin who was a bit off from Logan and Jackie. She hit him with a glare. “Next time, I’ll let him rip you apart. Fucking parasite.” She hissed as Blaze and Storm snarled at him, but Ash stood between them and Devin, the sheer size difference noticeable. Cole walked over to Clary and Jo, the class having been cut short for the day after what happened. “What just happened?” Cole asked, and Clary shrugged. “I’m not exactly sure, but I do know one thing, had Billie not snapped back into her right mind when she had, Alex would have killed.” Clary said, Cole deciding to help Jo up, and walk with her. “Before you say you’re fine, I can sense you’re still in pain and would rather you take it a little bit easier so you don’t hurt yourself further.” Cole said before Clary nodded. “Who was that guy anyway?” “Devin. He pisses Alex off to no end. Like Adrian does.” Clary answered, “I’m just glad Lucie was here. I’ve heard about what Alex can do when he’s angry enough.” Cole nodded. “I’m pretty sure it didn’t help that he was starting to go into his true demon form.” Cole said, and Clary tossed her a look. “It’s why his skin was tearing open. He was shedding his human form. I’m guessing he’s either had the form for long time or he’s busted out more than once because Lucie said his form couldn’t handle another one.” - Once class was called early, Adrian noted the Arch Mage and Lucifer talking. He was still weak, but he needed a few answers himself. “What did Billie do?” he asked when he got close enough. Lucifer gave him a look and the Arch Mage spoke. “It’s a form of exorcism. It’s why you have blood markings on your arms.” So she tried to exorcise his demon half last night. “Why didn’t it affect her?” he asked. Lucifer answered this time. “She was the administrator. Now go.” He said, and when Adrian left Lucifer sighed. “Alex needs to be on careful watch the next few days. That spell is harsh on him, but Billie won’t allow anyone else to do that to him. He’s going to be very weak, easily irritated and he will likely need stuff for pain. Billie’s exorcism spells are a lot stronger than I had thought, but it is for obvious reasons.” The arch mage nodded. Lucifer spoke again. “I’m going to go find my adopted children and see if I can help in anyway.” Lucifer left the Arch mage and soon the students were coming out, and Clary managed to catch Logan before the other vampires caught up to him. “I’m going to go check on Billie and Alex.” She whispered, “You know where to find me if you need me.” She said, phasing through the walls and heading off. When she got to their dorm, she heard Alex through the door. “Fuck Bill! We’ve been over this! You can’t do this to me! Your spell is too strong. You should have let Lucifer do it.” He whined a bit. “Alex, you nearly went full demon and you’re bitching at me for keeping my promise? You told me to stop you, so I did. Besides, had I not noticed Lucifer when I had I might have let you do it.” She said. “let Logan deal with this. It’s bad enough Adrian rekindled the violence, but that doesn’t mean we can condone it on our side.” “Devin is at the root of all the issues tho. You don’t let him feed from you to keep your own secret and then he starts shit.” He said, “And then he eggs me on. And the he hurts Jo! He would have deserved it.” “You sound like Azrael.” She hisses, leaving their dorm, Clary disappearing, but she saw Lucifer enter and she headed to the cafeteria beside Billie. “Everything okay?” she asked. “He just needs a class off to let the potion work through him so he’s not super weak. He’s resting. He’ll be fine.” She answered. “What about you? I was coming to check on you guys and you seem mad when you got out the door. I just went transparent because it startled me.” She said, and Billie nodded. “I’m fine.” She said. When they entered the cafeteria, Billie sat alone and soon Cole joined her.