John sighed as he looked over at the building, lowering his rifle once he felt comfortable. It was still pointing in the man's general direction but more towards the asphalt now. [color=007236]"Yeah... and put your hands down, your not being arrested or nothing."[/color] He chuckled lightly. [color=007236]"There shouldn't be anyone alive in Wilmington though. I would know...[/color] He looked at the building and scanned over it. It definitely had seen better days. It missed the signage on the building and was boarded up as if hurricane Sandy was about to strike. [color=007236]"Hey, get on comms and let these idiots know we're here. I don't plan to stay out on this fucking street any longer than need be. I already did THAT once."[/color] His eyes glanced back over to the car towards Anna, gesturing for her to join the two of them.