Erion, who had went and tried to ride the beast, leaving Rose in the back so that the stable hand could take care of her, was a bit nervous. Robert wanted to ride, and it might be best to go with him in this cause of his inexperienced with beasts. When the creature then took flight, Erion shivered a bit, before calming down as he then stirred the beast slowly. Then the thing started head towards the Holliander and the group. Well, it did need to go and stretch it's wings a bit. Just then, when the beast started to be confused and scared, Erion holded on, making sure not to fall off. Unfortunately, Robert did fall off, which was rather bad to say the least. At least Erion was able to hold on, although it was hard. "Easy there... easy.... It's alright..." he says in a soft tone, gently rubbing his hand at her neck. "it's alright... no one here will hurt you... just try to relax...." he says in a comforting tone. He looked at the other people, and then looked at the woman. "I don't know... who could have done thing. Maybe some power mage was able to bring her here?" he says. He then looks at Robert, before concentrating and... actually use choco-cure, or at least a different version of it, on his friend before the wyvern headed back towards the stables. He got off and then looked at Holliander. "Why you outside the tent... I hope your not planning on trying to escape..." he then says.