The two figures got off the boat, the shorter one turning around to pay the ferryman. The other took off their hood, revealing a shock of messy blond hair underneath. The other removed her hood and goggles, revealing a young girl with long dark red hair tied in a braid. "Well, here we are," she exclaimed, "Liberty Island. Hope you're not disappointed, Farm Boy, cause this trip has no refunds." The other removed his own mask to reveal a toothy grin. "Nah, it's fine," he replied. "Glad we finally got here." "So is it everything you expected, Gabe?" the girl continued, shouldering the straps of her backpack. "I mean, it was a fortnight's march to get here..." "I'm still convinced the important stuff is on that island over there," Gabriel replied, pointing to Manhattan. "You said your people were there, though." "Yeah, the Brotherhood," she replied. "Sorry, but Manhattan's kind of a forbidden zone. Lots of tech, but it also got nuked to hell and back. Also, lots of Super Mutants. Big, ugly freaks; you don't want to meet one up close. Trust me on that." "Sounds like you ran into one, Sparks," he replied as he walked the streets, looking at the various stalls and the people milling about. "Just saw a couple videos," she responded, keeping pace with her companion. "Though I did see a dissected Super Mutant in a lab once." "So, uh, Sparks," he spoke up, his tone hesitant, "I know I've only been here for a couple minutes, but something's... off. Everyone seems a bit... nervous." Jennifer could never guess how Gabriel had an eye for these things. He just had a way with people, which was a shame; had he been born in a more civilized territory, he'd have made himself a name as a trader or negotiator really quickly. But there was no denying it; everyone seemed... scared, for some reason. Fortification and defenses had increased, and a general feeling of worry and fear was pervasive. "I dunno," Jenny answered, finding herself more and more concerned. "I mean, sure, they get the odd Raider attack and sometimes a freak or two washing ashore, but this looks like they're setting up fortifications." Gabriel flagged down a nearby guardsman. "Sir, can I ask about the situation here? I know I'm just a newcomer and I'm just passing through, but it seems like the whole place is getting boarded up." "Jus' came into town, huh?" mused the guardsman. "Damn, you've got some lousy luck, boy! We're getting more raider attacks these days, and we're probably going to go into lockdown. Whole place fortified." "But... why?" Sparks cut in. "Raider attacks aren't anything new, and they're not big enough to warrant all this." "Lady," replied the guardsman gruffly, "things have changed. We're not talking a handful of raiders. Scouts on the water reported a massive number of boats, canoes, and rafts forming on the other side of the river. Attacks are increasing in size and frequency. And it seems these guys ain't takin' no fer an answer." "It doesn't make sense," Sparks mused, shaking her head. "That sounds like half of Brooklyn's showed up." "Brooklyn?" Gabriel inquired. "Brooklyn's all Raider territory," Sparks explained, pointing in the direction of the other side of the Lower Bay. "Considering the distance, they only cross when they want slaves, or if they need something. And this community doesn't like slavers." "So what's bringing them all over here?" "Kid, hell if I know," replied the guardsman as he gripped the strap of his rifle. "All I'm saying is, if you have business here, hurry up and get it done quickly. It looks like trouble's coming, and we ain't goin' to help people who ain't gonna help us fight 'em off." With that, the soldier moved back to his post, feeling the rifle between his fingers, as though to calm himself before the storm arrived. "You heard the man, Gabriel," Sparks spoke up, unable to hide her concern. "Let's finish our business here and head home." "What about the Brotherhood?" Gabriel inquired, unable to turn away from the uncertain faces of the populace. "Can't they come to help?" "The Brotherhood can't afford to send out a lot of Paladins right now," Sparks said, her voice getting a defensive tone to it. "The New York Chapter is a new one, and we don't have that large a presence here compared to the Capital or the West Coast. And it's at least ten miles between here and the base." Gabriel didn't push the issue, but Sparks couldn't help but wonder why the Brotherhood hadn't responded yet. And what [i][b]was[/b][/i] causing this... migration of Raiders all of a sudden?