Hey, I'm new and actually really into lucid dreaming. I saw this and just had to jump at it. So here is my CS Name: Shin Lyrix Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Shin Looks quite young for his age, with large dark eyes and a small figure he fits in with the average 16 year old. His casual outfit is nothing spectacular, normally some skinny-fit dark jeans and a graphic tee. Rarely seen without some sort of smirk or grimace, and always has a blue string tied around his wrist for good luck. Dream appearance: His normal Day-to-day height being 5'7" his dream height is only 5'. Everything else remains the same, other than his blue string has an unusual glow. Personality: To put it simple, he is a smart alec. He is normally very serious, stern, and entirely blunt. Even so, when put in a social situation he can be very quiet and soft-spoken. This being said, he has his moments of "comic relief" where he simply forgets to keep up his serious persona. During these small outburst he shows that deep down he truly isn't any stronger or smarter than anyone else, and has very real raw emotions. (Especially when he is in the dark... he is afraid of the dark.) Dream personality: Same as always, but his persona can be breached slightly easier. Background: From distant, unloving parents and no siblings, Shin grew up to rely on himself and his abilities. This makes it difficult for him to trust others. Once someone gains his trust, it is hard to lose it. Due to a traumatic experience being home alone when he was training himself to lucid dream, he despises being in the dark. All of the dreams he seeks to have are all clear and bright, but just incase he keeps his glowing string tied tightly around his wrist. Power: While he is dreaming, he can make his blue string glow faintly. This glow is just enough to help him keep his cool in the dark. Other: He is very creative and artistic, and normally sews in his free time to clear his mind, but would hate for anyone to find out about this. p.s. Ducks are secret agent unicorns in disguise, using their fragile lives to try to save their close-knit cousin, narwhals, from extinction. All they can do is quack though, so their doing a pretty horrible job.