[color=BDBDBD][center][color=FFBF00][b]C H A S E[/b][/color] [color=ffffff]Outside 8th Street Safe Zone Wilmington, Delaware [@FallenTrinity] [@FortunesFaded] ---x---[/color][/center] [color=ffffff]"Right."[/color] Chase wasn't entirely sure he knew what John was talking about but he did know that he too didn't want to remain in the street any longer than he had too. John had only confirmed what Chase already knew: The broadcasts had reached anyone with a radio and reaching out to anyone with a radio could be a bad thing. He dropped a heavy arm and brought the radio up to speak. [color=ffffff]"Eighth street safe zone. This is Chase. I've arrived and am joined by two others. A man and a woman. I believe they picked up your radio transmissions too."[/color] Chase had already begun to connect the dots himself. Earlier in the day, the aid station had been communicating with someone else. He could only assume this other person was in fact John and Anna and that they were already expected. [color=ffffff]"May we come in?... over?"[/color] [/color]