[b]Timaeus, Daemon Prince - Munich, Germany[/b] The Cultist had finished boarding a building and placing some shabby defenses like some explosives and turrets. Of course, 'Shabby' was relative to himself, considering the materials that the cultist had on hand, they had done quite a excellent job. The Chimera's were parked outside with a few cultist on it paying attention to possible enemy attack. As if there was one, then they would quickly be able to deploy the Chimera 'heavy weapons'. Timaeus was sitting on a makeshift throne, while deeply thinking on the situation he was in and how could he go further in his objectives. [b]Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead - Graveyard, Bern, Switzerland[/b] Nagash after raising the skeletons at Bern had ordered them to get him a map of the world, of which they delivered to him. And so he began to analyze the map, to decide on which part of this world would it be the best to start his domain. After a long period of time pondering, he decided to settle on the land called 'Egypt', for it somehow remind him of his homeland. And so with a wave of his hand, space itself twisted and formed a portal to his destination, of which he and the few of his recently raised undead servants went in.