So, I have some bad news and I am dreadfully sorry for it. I have become too absorbed in the online world. My work isn't suffering for it, nor is my health or anything like that, but my offline social life is - including my relationship with my fiance. And so, I am sadly going to have to withdraw from this RP in order to not lose the things important to me. Not to worry, as I will still write an exit scene for Canisha and Andri, and if one of you GM's wants to collab with me on said exit scene then I would be eternally grateful. I just...well. I screwed up, it's my fault, and I enjoyed every moment with you guys. I hope you all continue to enjoy the roleplay, it's a brilliant one, and I'll see you all around hopefully. I'll pop in on IRC occasionally to catch up, and talk. Fallen, the bullet list doc is there for you to use as you wish, since I know having it all there is helpful. :) Again, I'm sorry to do this, and I wish all of you the best.