A Knight ran into the tent and yelled, “Demons are attacking the northern gates!” “You heard him; we’ll deal with the location of the demons hide out later. Right now top priority is to help the civilians,” the general said. Shadow and Sliver rushed out of the tent along with Sotoe. Alex followed them they got closer to the northern gates he saw the demons break through the lager wooden door and pour into the city. “Alright, time to put a little pain into these demons,” Alex said as he unsheathed his Pain sword and attacked one of the demons. “Ready dear Brother, Silver asked. Shadow Nodded before Silver placed his hand on Shadows shoulder and said “Halberd” Shadow glowed changed into a Halberd. Silver spun the weapon before he attacked another demon. Sotoe walked through the city as three demons attacked him. However, he did nothing bit say, “Shatter” suddenly the demons turned to glass and shattered into pieces.