[center][h2]A [color=lightcoral]Dance[/color] with [color=maroon]Death[/color]: The [color=lightcoral]Pas de Corps[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [color=lightcoral]"I know how to drink, '[i]da[/i]'!"[/color] Ana spat, mockingly imitating the 'da' that man added which she assumed to be a slight from her accent, in response the man's jab, regardless of whether he meant to be friendly or not. Ana might have pressed the man further but when she saw the radio being picked up in the corner of her eye, it iced her temper over a bit. The man, Captain Johnathan Fredrick Krueger, sounded as if he was confident with his callback on the radio, which assured Ana to follow his later commands. Safely turning the car around, the two of them were now headed in the presumably right direction according to John, as the man had now formally introduced himself. Of course curiosity would demand that Ana introduce herself in response, but a more selfish desire kindled in Ana's mind. A protector had introduced himself, and Ana hoped she could return to blissfully coasting this apocalypse under another person's protection. Ana bowed her head forward, not taking her eyes off the road in a sort of accepting gesture before introducing herself. [color=lightcoral]"I am Anastasia Abramova, but that is a mouthful, yes? You can call me Ana if you want."[/color] Ana noticeably turned up the pep and charm in voice, finally shaping her expression to a bit of a flirtatious smile as she slowly began coming to the conclusion that a military captain was likely heaps better at survival than a NYPD police officer. Her charm was topped off with a very subtle chuckle and a bit of sympathy for John's nose. [color=lightcoral]"Oooh yea... Sorry about that.[/color] She hummed sincerely in reply. Even though Ana was driving, she found her attention and gaze wandering to her passenger, John, as they cruised along the road. Her eyes studying and evaluating the man. He was armed much better than Carl, boasting military hardware and probably proper training, but Ana wouldn't be able to tell otherwise. As for the man himself, he was built much better compared to Carl, who would get winded well before Ana. It was an indecent thought, but Ana judged that John was bound to be better for her in the long run. There was silence for a moment before John finally spoke up again. This time he was telling a brief tale about what he had gone through. Ana sat in silence and nodded grimly, but she didn't understand. She was locked in her place while someone else went out and scavenged for supplies. By the time she was out and moving, the living fighting the dead had stopped, with the dead the clear winners. -- Finally reaching the visual range to see the building on Eighth Street in Wilmington, Ana pulled the car to a halt as her partner sprung into a quick reflex for some reason. Ana followed the man's gaze and eventually found a lone man in the street ahead. Before Ana could say anything, John was out the door and closing on the man fast. Ana felt stuck in her seat and only watched the beginning of their exchange. Even though they had really just met, Ana was quietly routing for her acquaintance as if they had been lifelong friends, and she felt relieved that the man submitted with his hands raised. Shockingly, Ana wasn't as delighted as she thought she would be to see a third person. While she seemed to embrace John because she had no one else, with this new guy she was apprehensive and cautious. But she wasn't precisely sure why that was the case. Regardless, she was glad someone else was handling the responsibility of judging a person for her. John shot a glance backwards and Ana interpreted that as her signal to join them. She opened the cruiser door and stepped out, crouching down to finally pick up her sidearm from the floor of the car. On her way back up, she reached over and pulled the keys out of the ignition and closed the door, locking the doors remotely, and moved over to join John and the other man. Ana had joined just in time to mutter a quiet greeting to the stranger before noticing that the ones on the radio came out of their building. Ana watched them approach, her weapon resting safely in her grip as she stood behind John and the other man. Ana's worries were naively put to ease as she saw that they approached with their weapons holstered and friendly, approachable smiles plastered on their face. As the man introduced themselves, Ana couldn't help but worriedly glance up to the sniper up on the roof, and she nervously shuffled a bit closer behind John. She hadn't seen so many people in such awhile. She wasn't sure how to take all of it in yet. Ana looked nervously on at Omar and Douglas before leaning around John, just enough to be seen by the two, and spattering out her own name. "A-Ana." She looked around nervously and nodded earnestly at the two men's response to heading inside. "Please, lets."