[@YamiCuoreLaroux] Atticus couldn't help but laugh at himself a little too. He really WAS taking this too seriously. After all, it wasn't like he was here to become some archmage that could...like...explode a mountain. He just wanted to get his general education out of the way to start getting payed higher than minimum wage. Truly the loftiest of goals. Taking a deep breath, Atticus relaxed his shoulders and just craddled the orb in his hands, looking into it as if he was trying to see his reflection in it. After a moment, he saw something. Himself...standing in front of a crystal clear lake. Slowly, he saw whatever representation of himself that this was step out onto the water. Rather than his foot sinking down, it...stood atop the water. A soft wave surging out from the point of contact, hundreds, no, THOUSANDS of ripples all emenating from his single point of contact. Stepping out with his other foot, the water was clashing against itself, ripple against ripple. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af5r8ONtacw]He didn't really understand why or how, but he started to run inside the orb.[/url] Each step seemed to resound with a sound he could feel within his bones, every step despite how normal it was serving the purpose of carrying on...something. A song? No...he couldn't hear anything. He just knew. A dull ringing echoed in his mind outside of the orb, and once he let go of the sphere, his visage took one final step, plunging to the bottom of the lake completely, the crystal ball returning to being normal. Rubbing his temples, he looked at the robed instructor, quickly asking: [color=00aeef][b]"Um...Did any of that make sense to you? I was...standing on a lake and...there was music. Not-Not music, but like...a rhythm. I felt my hands shaking too."[/b][/color], literally unaware of the nature of the magic. While it may have appeared to have something to do with water to the naked eye, an adept mage would be able to discern that his natural affinity lied in Vibration magic, manipulating pulses and sound through the caster's surrounding.