[@Pirouette][@FortunesFaded][@Exit] -EARLIER- [color=007236]"Anastasia..."[/color] John grinned and looked over at her. [color=007236]"Like Disney's Anastasia, just less cartoony and more physical."[/color] Instinctively rubbing his nose. [color=007236]"Don't worry about it. I've been butted by a rifle before. Hurts a hellov a lot more."[/color] The grin shifted to a smirk before he looked away. -PRESENT- John scanned the building again and began to mumble slowly raising his gun. [color=007236]"Swear to god this better not be some kind a fucking setup. Too early for that kind of shit."[/color] It wasn't a moment after he had said that did the door open and his rifle swung to the opening before dropping, barrel now facing the ground in front of him but keeping it in line of sight with the occupants stepping outside, one mentioning that the man on the roof was their over watch. He took in their looks and features, analyzing who he would now have to live with, work with and survive with. He listened to what the man, who had introduced himself as Doug, talked about, smirking at Desmond's kumbaya joke before it faded back into his usual gaze. He had also taken notice to Anna, who had now placed herself against his back. His assumption was that it was for comfort and a sense of safety. Things people did when they were scared. He turned his head back towards her and muttered low enough for her just to hear. [color=007236]"You're safe with me no worries."[/color] Probably the most reassuring thing he had said to her the entire time he knew her which was no more than maybe an hour or two. [color=007236]"Yeah sure..."[/color] With a quick response to heading inside he began walking but at a slower pace than the rest of them. As soon as the group was inside he turned to face her, lowering himself so that he could look her in the eyes. His gaze softened. [color=007236]"I know we had a rocky start but we're all in this shithole together and with that being said I'm going to help you out as much as possible. I'm gonna get you to a state of self where if something happens to me or this ragtag of a group, I know you'll be able to defend yourself and survive without much help."[/color] He gave a light smirk before turning back to the door and stepping through....