The fat wizard nerd kid, eh? Well, as long as he doesn't run around shouting "Lightning bolt! Lightnight bolt!"... [quote=@Sir Avita] Power: Because he's a huge nerd when it comes to stuff related to medieval fantasy, he dreams of himself being a mage. Common magicky stuff, like fireballs, teleporting, all that jazz. [/quote] Here's the deal: I don't have a problem with this as is, being fairly open and up-to-interpretation. I'm even gonna say that this'll make it more challenging for me to come up with fun little puzzles you can't out-wizard. But there's a [i]catch[/i]. And you might not like it as much as I do: Whenever Ron Weasley here swings his magic wand to invoke whatever spell he intended... I will decide how much of the intended result actually takes place, [i]and what other side effects occur[/i]. Playing with fire is dangerous, you know?