So, just today, my mum and grandad went out to the shops, not telling me where they were going. What do they return with? A NEW HAMSTER! :D His name's Guinness (nicknamed Grunter) and he's 9 weeks old, partially tamed. I'm still scared of him (those bloody teeth) but I'll eventually adapt :P. I finally feel like I've gotten my happiness back - a thing I haven't had since the passing of Dobby. And best of all? I have answers. Dobby wasn't healthy at all. He never made any noises (unlike noisy fucker over there) and you could feel his bones. The panflet that came with Grunter said that wasn't healthy at all. Sad notes aside, I have closure, AND A BUDDY FOR CHRISTMAS! :D. I'm so gonna make a tiny Santa hat for him, and we're both gonna decorate his cage. Tagging the people I silently promised to give updates to: [@Altered Tundra] [@MtnRose] [@Kingfisher] [@AuntFlavia] [hider=Celebration Selfie with the 2nd Little Shit in my life] [img][/img][/hider]