The Grim Reaper watched the occuring actions as they occured, paying particular attention to the battle between the one who turned on Skallagrim and his ilk. Beneath the shadows, the pulsing yellow irises of the Forgotten watched his brethern take the fight to perhaps the most skilled Cughtagh to ever hold the title. Pathetic. Sleeved hands clutched the twirling double ended, inverted scythe, halting it in its motion. The fight that would decide the fate of Ghoukas was rapidly coming to an end, and the one they had potentially pinned their hopes on had made a careless mistake. In setting up the one who held a grudge against Ghoukas, Metz, he had fallen into a basic trap. Patheic. With the man now skewered, Metz had been declared the winner, and now held the all important key. Scowl. He had chosen the path most proper to him, sealing the gate that Ghoukas would need to escape from, stemming the tide of Nightmare that would have surely triggered chaos in the world. He gripped his weapon tighter, the thought of entering the fray becoming an increasing obsession in his mind. Step. Blast. Halt. Blast. Blast. Blast. Blast. The Cughtagh was down, at least they had won something. The Forgotten stayed a moment longer, watching the rest of his kind scatter to the wind. He would follow that path, having proven that he was Forgotten in this skirmish. Not a soul noticed him. His scythe cleaved a path, or attempted too. Something interceded him, crossing his would be trail nand leaving him disorientated. He examined it, storing the knowledge. Whatever path had chosen then to wink into existence, burned hot with Potential, and more than that with the unyielding power of a [b]SuperNova[/b]. Grim peered through the veil and immediately shot his head back, vanishing on his way. What had he seen? What the Angar-Rylla verse would, the large nosed man with a bucket for a helmet, an oversized writing implement and an equally sized paintbrush. None should have seen the Reaper, but the aforementioned man seemed to stare right at him.