[center][h1]Lisa and Billy[/h1][/center] [center][h2][i]The dead come' a knockin'[/i][/h2][/center] [i]Adventure time, come on grab your frien-[/i] "There isn't but shit on this cable. One fifty a month and two hundred channels... Still nothing." Deep blue eyes gazed out a large ornate window. Life was boring here, even the jet ski and telling Rex off at the bar last night did nothing to ease the pain of being stagnant. Being stale. "Guess I'll see what Roger is up to. Sexy ass fireman." -Ring... -Ring... -Ring... [i]Hey, how are you doing? Ha! Gotcha. Leave a message.[/i] A heavy sigh followed by a heavy, depressing moan echoed through the two story mansion. Right as she sat down, her phone rang. Finally someone to talk to. Finally... The voice was clear as day, "Get out!". She winced and pushed the phone from her ear. The voice shouted again and again. She tried to reply, "Roger!" But then without warning, the phone clicked. Was this a prank? She thought maybe he was outside, a surprise perhaps. It didn't take long for Lisa to get dressed and ready. Her best heels, her nicest perfume. She was truly magnificent. As her door opened, that magnificence faded quickly. Smoke billowed from a building far off and sirens were seemingly all around. "Terrorists!?" Lisa screamed as she turned towards the door. Before she got far though, the sound of heavy machinery caught her ears and when it appeared she was in awe. Soldiers rushed up her drive way followed by a tank and two humvee's. "Ma'am, head to third street, we are evacuating from there every twenty minutes." Her mouth was suddenly dry and a nervous sweat rolled down her cheek. "What?" She yelled but this was drowned out by the deafening and bone chilling roar of fighter jets buzzing over head. She was so confused at this point. "Ma'am, you have to go, NOW!." She didn't think twice and started walking away from the soldiers. "Here they come!" She heard a soldier say and on cue, the earth shook as the tank sent a shell into the distance. This was encouragement enough and as a soldier turned to yell again, all he saw was a pair of heels and rustling brush. Lisa got all of her things together and started towards the back door. In an instant, a huge crash stole her attention and she cowered as her windows all shattered. Outside huge fireballs rose into the sky and above, helicopters were circling. Was this a dream? No. -Hours later- A gruff voice came over an intercom, "alright, everyone from the blue tent back, board the first school bus. All the rest will wait for the air evac." Lisa frowned, having to ride a damned bus while others took to the sky. Luck was on her side though as they drove away a kid pointed out the window, "look!" He said, watching as the helicopter came crashing to the ground. People were panicking at this point. Children clinging to their parents and couples clinging to each other, all a prelude to new world order. -Days... Or weeks? Later- Where did everyone go.. How did she end up in a simple group of ten. And only one was a soldier, well a retired gulf war veteran. A honorable man but far over his head. The dead made sure of that as they came through the brush and from the open doors of evacuated homes. He fired shot after shot. Red puffs of blood shot out with every impact but nothing worked, not a damn thing it seemed. As all seemed lost, shots rang out and two men with axes rushed from the tree line, smashing the heads of the walking horrors. It was still chaos. The occasional exchange of gunfire in the distance and screams during the night. What the hell did Lisa do to deserve this. -A few weeks? maybe- All sense of time had passed, a simple watch let her know what time it was at the very least. It felt like every time a new hour struck, another of her group parishes. First the teacher and her two boys, then that asshole grocery store clerk. They found a simpleton sharpshooter though, a small bit of good news at least. It all faded, they all died until two people remained, Lisa and Billy. And there was a long way to go. -present day, Wilmington.- Billy and Lisa found themselves near a occupied building. Lisa had encountered survivors once before whom had attempted to violate her. With the intervention of Billy, her body was spared the shame. This situation called for caution once more. Lisa slowly and stealthily walked towards a window and dropped to her knees, raising her binoculars. "Billy, look through here." Unlike Lisa, Billy hefted his mighty rifle and casually walked to the window, forcing Lisa to sigh. "Billy, you gotta be careful." She said softly. "look out there, what do you see?" Billy smiled, "Hey. Hey. Hey." Lisa gave a puzzled look, "What?" Billy giggled a few more times before deepening his voice and saying with a raspy tone, "I'm fat Albert!" Lisa never pinched the bridge of her nose this hard in her life. She had learned though that to give him any feed back might encourage more of this behavior. Instead she took a deep breath and gently spoke, "Billy, look towards that building. What do you see?" He frowned in disappointment regarding her not giving his comment attention but quickly got over it and gazed into his scoped rifle. "people, not dead people." He whispered. "Very good Billy, what about across the block near that dumpster." "dead people, alot." He said plainly. Lisa turned her binoculars to the dumpster. Her binoculars were nowhere near as powerful as Billy's scope but it was obvious that this group of walkers must've heard the events in the apartment. "Billy, make them sleep." Without a pause, Billy pulled the trigger. The shot from the high powered rifle rang out and anyone nearby would know they were there now. Lisa panicked, "Billy!! Where is the gray tube for the end of your gun? The one that makes it quiet?" Billy gave a confused look but then turned to his gun. Lisa watched as a couple peeled off towards their position. "Ok Billy. Get those ones." He pulled the trigger, detonating a walkers head into a hundred pieces. The gore draped over the second walker right before its head exploded too. Billy had a smile ear to ear. "pop!" He said gleefully. "Billy, serious time." He quickly pursed his lips and lowered down. "Lisa." Lisa rose her index finger towards Billy as he tugged at her shirt. "hold on." She whispered, checking to see if any undead had turned to hunt them. "Lisa." He said again with a hint of sadness. She turned towards him, "Hold on Bill-" "Lisa I'm hungry." She rolled her eyes and dropped down, satisfied the walkers weren't on to them. "ok Billy, spaghetti o's or chicken soup."