A couple of things for the record. First and most importantly what is this RP's pace going to be like? I cannot post more than twice a week given my studies and internships (working on a [s]GIANT DOOMLASER[/s] I mean 1 meter wide telescope. Totally a telescope). Second I don't want to take too long on getting a CS out and right now all that's left is a spell list. How detailed should I get? Here's my CS so far: [Hider=Ahzek Ahriman] [b]Name:[/b] Ahzek Ahriman (Ahzek the Terrible, The Overlord, The Darkest One, Archmage of Thunder, the Oncoming Storm, Lord of the Tesseract Labyrinth, Appreciator of Voluptuous Assets, Ambassador of the Abyss, Thunderous Apocalypse, Dark Magic PhD, He Who Wonders if Anyone Actually Calls Out All Of These At a Royal Banquet, etc. etc.) [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human(?) [hider=appearance] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/c/cc/Ahriman_battle.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121003161931[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AaNWLTo.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Side:[/b] Dark [b]Weapons(s):[/b] [i]Horned Staff[/i]: Exactly as it says on the tin it is a staff with horns on it. Serves as a focal point for his more powerful and esoteric spells. [i]Magic Armor:[/i] Intimidating set of full plate armour enchanted to boost speed, strength, and especially protection. [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] [i]Ambassador of the Abyss:[/i] Ahzek has an air about him that electrifies anyone nearby. This increases the potency of any supernatural powers near him (range 20 meters). The aura can be extended selectively by vocal component (so certain chants will empower those of his choosing as long as they can hear him). [i]Evil Archmage:[/i] An elementalist without a recognised peer (by himself that is) Azhek can freely twist fire and lightning to his command. His laughter is enough to call down lightning from the heavens themselves. He has also dabbled in most other forms of magic bar those that explicitly require one to wield the light. [i]Glowing Eyes:[/i] Ostensibly these grant Ahzek the ability to see even in the deepest darkness. That they add to his magnificent countenance is a nice bonus. [b]Talent(s):[/b] Logistics are part and parcel of any Evil Overlordship. Fortunately Azhek is decent at this and can manage an army easily. He is a magnificent liar (borderline supernatural). [b]Personality:[/b] Theatrical, bombastic and power hungry. In battle he prefers to lead the troops in person, throwing down hellfire from the heavens and cackling like the power-mad wizard he very much is. [b]Biography:[/b] It started oh so simply in a sleepy little hollow that bore no real name. The start of darkness was oh so very humble in origins, a small minded lordson who in a feud for a maidens hand cast his opposite down a disused well. For three days, starving in the damp darkness, the lad clawed at the slimy walls for a way out. Then, on the fourth night, as the moon was eclipsed and an unnatural darkness fell across the land, the stone wall of the well gave way and he fell into an abyss. Four years after the eclipse, the village vanished. Official investigation concluded that the villagers had huddled together in the central building in the face of a mighty storm, and then lightning struck the building, burning everyone inside to ash. At some undetermined point in the future new colonists were to be sent for reconstruction but beyond written promises no concerted effort ever materialised, as the memory of that nameless inham slowly dwindled away into nothingness, like an ember in the wind. That is not to say the ruins remained utterly desolate since. Dark creatures of all stripes soon felt drawn to the remnants of the hollow as all manner of fetid flora and fauna reclaimed the land around it. From brigands to bloodhounds to bounty hunters, a new town rose on the old, spoken of in hushed whispers as an outhaven for all those with darkness in their hearts. Whispers that soon turned to outcry as the master of the new town announced himself and his intentions. Lord Azhek Ahriman, he who desires to rule them all. [b]Extras:[/b] ATTENTION! NOW HIRING! Evil Minions needed, please leave a resume. Preferred candidates have knowledge of at least one of the following: conquest, pillaging, torture, martial arts (sword and shield/bow and arrow preferred and provided free of charge, personal weapons are allowed however maintenance is only sponsored up to five gold a month), wizardry, accounting, bureaucracy. Full dental, healthcare and retirement plans provided. [/hider]