[center]Name: Yulian 'Julian' Petrovich Tikhvinsky Age: 25 Appearance: With long black hair pulled back into a ponytail, ice-blue eyes, and neatly trimmed sideburns, Yulian is what most would call a 'prettyboy.' He is lithe and athletic, and his muscled frame shows, no matter what he wears. Personality: Yulian is a big-hearted fellow, who always has time for people. He can usually be found talking to someone with a patient smile, and acting charitably. His niceness might get on other's nerves, at first, but even the most vitriolic attacker of Yulian will admit that he is too damned [i]nice[/i] to hold a grudge against. He is naturally charming, and he loves the ladies (But he hates men who charm women for their own gain.) This has caused more than a few fights with various men, but Yulian doesn't like fighting. Having been raised a devout Russian Orthodox, he finds fighting to be distasteful, and the act of killing to be abhorrent. He realizes that, sometimes there is a necessity, but he will speak out against it, nonetheless. Despite his kindness, he is not stupid. Yulian, while patient, is still a person, and doesn't stand for abuse of another person, or himself. History: Yulian's large family of Russians moved to America, before the war broke out in 1914, and settled down in Quebec City, joining the Russian community therein. However, after the war had ended, Yulian, while maintaining good relations with his family, decided that he wanted something more, a sense of self. Something that he decided he couldn't get in Quebec. So, he became a drifter, working his way south, helping those he could along the way. However, his altruism didn't get him anywhere quickly, so he made it to Eastport before he got stuck in the town. There was just so much that needed fixing, and he liked the people, so he hung around. He had been working around town for a few weeks before he found the Tackett Homestead, helping those in need. He was a regular feature in the local Catholic Church, and was invited to come to the Homestead by Farmer Tackett, who saw how hard of a worker he was, and how well-liked he was. (He's been there for a few months by the start of the RP.) Speech Color: [color=Gold]Gold[/color] Traits: Agile [b]+1[/b], Ambidextrous [b]+1[/b], Bilingual [b]+2[/b], Clean-Cut [b]+1[/b], Thick-Skinned [b]+1[/b], Big [b]+1[/b], and Churchgoing [b]-2[/b]. [/center]