[center][h1][color=#2ECCFA]Ika Musume[/color][/h1][/center] Add's dynamos were right. A huge palace loomed in front of Ika Musume. It was unlike any human building she had ever seen! Standing on a piece of debris, Ika Musume would try to yell up to the top of the palace, where she saw a person standing. But just as she would begin to he would speak, his voice booming through the air. And just as quickly Ika Musume would find herself surrounded by extremely scary looking humans on all sides. All of them looking like they could take down even a whale just by looking at it. Maybe this was the JDF that eiko had told her about, finally here to face her. She found it flattering that they had sent such scary looking humans to take down her. Truly, she was a fearsome invader. Ika Musume would use her tentacles to pull herself in front of the army. [color=#2ECCFA]he he he... I am Ika Musume, De Geso! Messenger of the sea, sent here to inkvade and eliminate the humans who pollute the oceans, De Geso! No doubt you were sent to stop me, De Geso! But if you surrender now, I'll let you all live to eat shrimp another day, and possibly serve me as an inkvader, De Geso! But all who defy me will face execution, De Geso! My first demand of all who surrender is... is...'I forgot my demands...' oh, De Geso! You will give me all your shrimp, De Geso!"[/color] Truly a riveting speech delivered by Ika Musume. Would any of the army be swayed? Would they shoot her? Or perhaps they would only think of her as a little girl with big ambitions. Whatever they thought, it was doubtful it wouldn't attract at least some attention however.