[quote=@Exit] [@FortunesFaded] So I may have missed some details IC but I'm trying to look for information about this safe zone so I can describe it. I was going to go ahead and lay out the building in my next post from Chase's point of view but I wanted to make sure that you didn't already have your own vision for the building. If you do please let me know? Or if you want me to have creative freedom with it, I wouldn't mind that either. At the moment I'm looking at some of the buildings that line 8th street on google maps using street view and such. There's some interesting places to post up. Anyways I'm back from work and a little exhausted. Expect my next post no later than tonight. [/quote] The safehouse itself on 8th Street is a grey, pretty nondescript office building. There are signs around the street and in front of the building claiming that the area is safe. Inside, the first and second floors are empty (the door opens to a hall with a stairway headed up), and the third one -- an old insurance office, or something -- is where they've set up their meeting area, as well as the radio and food supplies. The fourth floor has a few mattresses and bedding in an otherwise empty room. Then there's the roof. That's really all the description I wanted to give; feel free to give more and make the place your own. This will be the group's main base of operations for.. well, [i]for now[/i]. [quote=@FallenTrinity] Believe me. We all have different was of posting. As long as you don't say things like the sky is purple and raining cats and dogs *looks at fortunes faded* ( don't think about it lol) you will be fine [/quote] Damn, you guessed the next story arc!