[@KatherinWinter]jack replied coldly"I do, that where I'm going."he went for the door and returned to the gym.Jack decided that if we wasn't going to work on one skill, he'd work on another, umbrakinesis. "Here it goes" Jack stood in the middle and sat cross legged, he formed a circle of umbral matter which expanded until it was 3 feet wide, jack extended his arm as a crow manifested from the darkness, it landed on his wrist like a falconer handles a bird. Jack spoke to the crow, which he named shade "You were easy, what about your murder?" Jacks eyes lit up in a purple light as a murder of crows began to slowly form, in total jack created 4 crows, as one flew overhead, the birds all fell to theo ground as they dissolved into nothingness, shade followed with them as the circle faded away "Dammit, I was given this power for a reason, surely I could control it better"jack hated it when he was defeated, he was attempting the go past his limit, but he failed, he tried to clear his mind of the thought of the water.The time when jack had a close call in the water raked at him for years, He couldn't set foot in water again willingly without nearly screaming.