[center][h1][color=lime]Cole Anderson[/color][/h1][/center] Well it was certainly a cluster fuck going on upstairs. The man who was comforting the woman, who seemingly lost her husband, and been rejected by said woman. He didn't seem to take it well, but it came to his attention that she knew him as much as she knew Cole. Damn, hitting on a widow during the apocalypse. Standards sure seemed to be out the window, and desperation was at an all time high these days. Not that she wasn't a pretty girl, just that... Well, you don't really try to get with a girl as soon as her husband turns into a walker. Seems a little... Morally wrong. But hell, everything's gone to shit anyways, nothing was a surprise to him. The woman thanked Cole, although she didn't seem too happy about it, confirming his suspicion that he was her husband. Cole just kind of nodded in acknowledgement, knowing nothing he could say would compensate. He had to save her, simple as that, and he was sure she recognized that as well. Looks like the military guy was losing some brownie points on that. Maybe if he was a bit more mentally stable... Unless she was into guys like that. After the orders were barked at him, something about getting supplies and heading toward some safe bunker. He wasn't aware of any safe bunker til now, nor did he agree to join this group, but before he could say anything she shut the door on him. It seemed like he was going along for the ride, and he did need gas. 5 gallons would fill his tank, and he could keep it to store fuel in. Besides, a safe bunker sounded nice right about now. Back in Philadelphia was a train wreck from the start, he was just lucky to get out. It got a little awkward standing there with the guy he had checked into the door frame just a few minutes ago, and judging by how it was a little bent out of shape now, it looked like he hit it hard. Cole turned around to head toward going downstairs when a young woman ran head first into him. She was a pretty little blonde girl, and as she ran into his chest she bounced back and collapsed on her butt at the front of the stairs. She wasn't part of the two people downstairs... Where did they all keep coming from? [color=lime]"Hey, sorry about that. Wasn't really expecting somebody to come up here in such a hurry."[/color] Cole said as he gently grabbed her hand and pulled her up to her feet effortlessly. It seemed like a little 12 year old boy had been behind her, but they looked nothing alike. Yellow skin, school boy hair cut, chubby cheeks. Didn't even look American, no wonder he seemed somewhat intelligent. Although he didn't get to say much to the boy, as the woman who owned the apartment came out of the door. Cole dropped the blonde's hand, noticing he might have held it a bit too long as the medical nurse seemed a bit hostile in asking who the fuck the blonde chick was. Hell, Cole didn't know, but he wasn't making a big deal out of it. Although it was a little overwhelming with all the people. Speak about people, two more came bumbling up the steps. Some guy in a suit looking thing, and some woman with aviators. He didn't listen to much as they threw in their two cents about teamwork, togetherness, some African song. What Cole noticed was that for a man of his size, fitting in the small space with 6 other people was just a little uncomfortable. He wasn't overly huge like a line backer, but dear lord he needed some space. All he knew was that there was gasoline, supplies, and they were heading to 8th street. [color=lime]"All of you, here, talking at once. Bitching, complaining, barking orders. Yeah, that's nice. I don't know about you guys, but I don't wanna stand around here and talk all day. Honestly, I'm my own person, we all are. So, you know, quit the whole leader bossy blah blah bullshit. I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna fill my bike, get some stuff, and I'm out of here in the next ten minutes. If y'all wanna stick around and argue and sing some African shit til the walkers eat you, be my guest.".[/color] And with that Cole made his way down the steps, slipping off his Northface jacket to reveal the sleeveless black underarmour he had underneath it. Walking out in the fresh air was a relief, for the simple fact of there was quite a few dead bodies piled up in that apartment and he was sure it wasn't healthy to stick around those. He slipped the jacket into his bag and decided to sit down on his bike for a moment. He needed a moment to catch his breath and relax, take in what all was happening. It was a nice breather. That and he realized he didn't have keys to get the gas, so, he kind of had to wait for that. And he couldn't fit much else in his bag supplies wise. Now we play the waiting game. [@McHaggis][@FortunesFaded][@Remipa Awesome][@Wade Wilson][@Symphoni][@CandiBarr]