Unfinished [hider=Buster Trendle][center] [img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/59861829a868c61e90952c7db4333139/tumblr_mvt6s76SVD1qepum0o1_1280.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/U7zphfP.png[/img] [color=662d91]-Salary Man-Mafioso-Serial Killer-Wants A Normal Life-[/color] Name: Buster Trendle Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: Buster bears features strongly representing his nordic heritage. He has high and pronounced cheekbones and a slender nose that passes between his seemingly trimmed eyebrows. His left eye is a bright blue while his left is a chestnut brown, contrasting with his bright blond hair that is kept loosely combed back with a few strands always escaping to hand over his face. He is rather tall and stands at 6 foot 1 with a muscular physique. He can often be seen wearing a suit when at work, which is generally all of the time. On the off chance that he isn't wearing a suit, he'll likely be wearing a polo shirt and jeans. Side: Neutral - Tries to side more with good though. Personality: Buster only has one want in his existence, and that's to have a normal life. Growing up as the son of a mobster has made him hardened to the horrors of the world and severely damaged his psyche, resulting in him being classified as both a sociopath and a psychopath from a young age. However, these tendencies are hidden beneath a masquerade of normality that, Buster has created for himself. He studied normal people, finding out how they reacted to things and how they acted in public and perfectly recreated it to a T. Unfortunately, this suppression of his true personality resulted in his father thinking he was miraculously cured and therefore thought it would be ok to take, Buster off of his medication. This resulted in his psychopathic and sociopathic tendencies manifesting within himself as an urge to kill. Methodical and violent, Buster is the perfect serial killer. He cares not for his victims, and knows how to dispose of the corpses in a timely and secretive manner. Not that it would matter anyway, if he were caught his father would bribe just about anyone he could to make sure, Buster got a shortened sentence and a cushy stay in prison. This knowledge had severely changed, Buster's outlook on life. He became a thrill seeker, looking for danger wherever it could be, subconsciously looking for a trouble that his father could not fix. While he is prone to these outbursts every now and then, in his recent years he has realized that in order to fit in with normal society he should take his medication as per request from his doctor. This had severely reduced the amount of killings, Buster did and allowed him to fit in nicely in a managerial role at a company his father owns. Biography: ( What's your story? Are you a fresh release from Curdon Cay? Or a new conduit? ) Buster Trendle, born Buster DeMarco is the only son of the known mafia gang boss, Vito DeMarco and his now deceased wife, Alexandra Trendle. Power: Time Manipulation Power-: Currently, Buster's power is nowhere near it's full potential and has only very minor elements of it's full power. Currently, he is able to erase and predict time. His limit of prediction and erasing are both 10 seconds, using the prediction to predict his enemies movements in the erased time and then act accordingly to it after this. He uses his power for both mobility and defensive reasons. Firstly, he is able to move up to 10 seconds in the future without time actually having passed, making his movement seem little more than a teleportation. Secondly, in the erased time he is able to dodge anything from a punch to a bullet. But of course, dodging something as fast as a bullet would take at the very least 10 seconds of prediction before the gun fired to actually dodge it. The time that gets erased is currently only within about a 15 foot radius of, Buster at any one time. Subsequently, Buster is also able to stop time, although this is rarely done by him and requires a great amount of effort and stress to actually pull off for more than a few milliseconds. Currently, he has been able to stop time for a max of 10 seconds, although this was in a highly dangerous situation. Other: [list] [*] Has heterochromia iridum, causing his eyes to be different colours. Something which he hates greatly. [*] Favourite animals are cats. [*] Listens to David Bowie religiously. [/list] [/center] [/hider]