[color=BDBDBD][center][color=FFBF00][b]C H A S E[/b][/color] [url=https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7429968,-75.5482754,3a,90y,326.23h,92.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWRNi00Id6yEUobIginSAuA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656][color=ffffff]University of Delaware Downtown Center[/color][/url] [color=ffffff]Wilmington, Delaware [@FallenTrinity] [@FortunesFaded] [@Pirouette] ---x---[/color][/center] Introductions were short and for the most part, straight to the point. The mysterious man on the radio was one Douglas Knowles. Douglas was an Officer of the Law in a past life, his career forged from helping and policing others. He'd more than likely dedicated himself to public services and so the broadcast and their welcoming attitude was beginning to make a lot more sense. Former cops were usually the kind to hold on to their faith in humanity even if it meant their life. The other was Omar Tulley. Both seemed guarded to a point but relieved nonetheless to have met with friendly survivors. Course they weren't without their own means of self preservation as evidenced by the man they'd posted on the roof. It was a necessary security blanket and one that Chase could appreciate. As the five of them made their way inside, he'd glance up at the roof and caught the tip of the rifle sticking out the side of the building like a thorn and poking into the blue sky. It was an odd but also familiar feeling knowing that a stranger he'd just met had his back. It wasn't every day circumstances were so... favorable. The building itself was rather bland at best. Three stories lined on both sides by a series of boarded windows, a single set of doors, an elongated rectangular empty shell that once held a sign and at the top just under their lone rifle man were words etched into stone. Chase hadn't noticed them earlier: "Commercial Trust Building" it said. Apparently money used to flow into the place. It sat at the corner of 8th and King sharing it's space with what was once a liquor store, another bleak office building and standing furthest from the aid station was the Hilton Hotel. It wasn't the best location but on his way here and according to a map he'd procured earlier, there were points of interest within walking distance. Not mentioning the Hotel that sat in front of them clear as day, there was a hospital a couple blocks east, an elementary school in the same direction. There was the grocery store around the corner and waiting further west on 8th street were a series of restaurants. All good places to find supplies and that was just naming a few. Benefits didn't stop there. The stranger with the rifle had clear lines of sight down four streets each of which stretched in four different directions. It was the best 360 degree cover one could hope for in a suburban area. A few abandoned cars turned into distance markers and you were set to keep the dying world away. So far, everything was checking out. Inside was more of what Chase would expect. The place was empty and designed like the typical office building. Blank walls hugged an empty but cluttered reception desk that no one cared for and beyond the desk were a series of doors lining both sides of an empty hallway. All of them sat opened and provided windows into what could have been the world of Trust Funds. Briefcases had been left lying around open and disorganized. Papers were strewn over the edges of tables or littering the ground and all of them were covered with the kind of business nonsense that Chase could never understand. In the corner of one room was an empty water dispenser... much to Chase's dismay. At the far end of the hall was a set of stairs that lead toward the second floor and what Chase assumed was more of the same. Boarded and reinforced windows kept the first floor secured and a collection of wires that snaked across the floor more than likely lead to some generator hidden in the background. Most survivors had similar setups although they were much smaller in comparison. Generally speaking they could only support themselves and maybe one or two more people. It seemed Douglas and Omar were expecting company... and a good amount at that. With his self guided tour over, and his own safety reassured, he turned toward his hosts and eventually the other two when they'd caught up. He began to study them individually but something kept poking annoyingly at his subconscious, an out of place sensation telling him that he'd forgotten to do something. However, between surveying his temporary shelter and trying to get a read on his new found friends, he couldn't quite figure out what it was he'd overloo- [center][color=ffffff][i]...Introduction...[/i][/color][/center] [color=ffffff]"Shit."[/color] Chase shook his head, a sheepish smile covering his face. [color=ffffff]"It's been a while since I've been in the company of civil human beings. Ah... where are my manners."[/color] Chase held his hand out in a greeting from a forgotten time. [color=ffffff]"The name's Chase... as you already know."[/color] He said, shaking hands with Douglas first. [color=ffffff]"Pleasure to meet you."[/color] It was a slight over formal and it continued to Omar. [color=ffffff]"Thanks for allowing us inside."[/color] John received his own greeting and a some gratitude for not deciding to shoot Chase on the spot and finally there was Ana. He held out his hand. [color=ffffff]"It's nice to meet you too."[/color] It'd been a while since he was in the company of a woman who was in such... fine condition. She added a little more "blue" to the picture and easily took the cake over Douglas with the patrol car parked out front. Then of course there was the Navy by her side. He had to wonder about her history and how she ended up in the care of a man of the military. Of course, before any kind of conversation could get off the ground, the dull echo of a single gunshot bled through the windows. Chase blinked... or maybe he flinched and his eyes turned toward the door. [color=ffffff]"Shit..."[/color] [/color]