[quote=@Commodore Robot] Okey Dokey, I've got a few questions to get a better feel for the setting's tech level. 1. You mentioned Ace Combat, and I know it was just in the context of Strangereal, but this does raise the question to me; will there be wacky super weapons such as but not limited to flying fortresses and other wonderfully things? 2. Are Energy Weapons a thing in setting and if so to what degree? Same question with regards to things like Rail/coil guns 3. You mentioned the opening of the solar system but how open is it? Are there full on habitats and stations out in the void that house civilians yet or is high orbit and beyond the sole purview of Governments/Megacorps? 4. Finally what is the state of cybernetics, Genetic engineering, and Artificial Intelligence? ----------------------- Also I'll have my character up shortly. [/quote] 1. It's a definite possibility - maybe not exactly the same vein as AC, but large 'super-FRAMEs,' landships, satellite systems, etc. might come into play down the road. 2. Energy and plasma-esque weapons are super-experimental and nobody actually uses them in combat... yet. Railguns and particle accelerators exist, though are rare. Only the best of the best have them, but there are plenty who would try to get their hands on them. 3. There aren't any colonies established off-Earth just yet; the possibility has been entertained and many nations are very, very close to wrapping up projects that may allow for it. Most of orbit is the domain of corporations who are eager to exploit resources off-world. 4. Cybernetics are relatively commonplace; many veterans will have cybernetic implants to replace lost limbs, eyes, etc. Some top-tier special operations units undergo mandatory cybernetic surgery to increase their performance. However, Ghost in the Shell-esque cyberbrains and wholly prosthetic bodies are just dreams as of now. AI exists and helps to manage functions in large installations or ships. They aren't as advanced as to have developed their own personalities, but you could say it's not too long before it happens.