I get up from my fall, and keep a note that I really should have taken the chocobo rather than try to hitch a ride with Erion, who quickly healed me after I fell. "You there, stop where you... are...!" I say somewhat dizzily, as I've hit my head on the way down. I then come back to my senses, and add "Okay, you two are going to have to explain... you're supposed to be held captive with the rest of the army, well, one of you is, anyways... the other, ms. Bunny over there, is a little suspicious, too... so, I'd like to ask you guys... why in the world did you run off from camp? And you, why are you helping someone who's under suspicions of being a traitor? None of us are going to attack you unless you attack us, I'd just like an explanation," I then tried to edge a little closer to where the group could see me better, just to show that I meant no real harm... yet. If they attacked, or I saw them summon a zombie, then I'd burn both of them, and tell them to release the other guy, but if they said something about Holliander's brother escaping... then I'd still have to chain him up, and possibly even report the viera for helping a possible traitor... at least for now. If the brother was caught doing something shady, and somehow escaped, then I'd obviously tell them to free Holliander. After that thought, I simply stand there, ready for anything to happen, and ready to counter whatever they try, if anything, with my own magic... Erion might have a difficult time attacking in the air, but, if I was still on that wyvern, I'd be nearly untouchable to those who use melee combat, as I'd be in the air... and wouldn't need to swoop down to attack anything thanks to my ability to use magic... of course, I obviously wasn't fit to ride those things, but, I suppose one can dream.