Alexey was feeling optimistic- very much so, that he had to refrain from skipping or somesuch. His soulmate! And his dastardly illegal friend was the one that got it all to work out! But would it not be Fate that made it work out, not his friend, since there wasn't a single way his soulmate would've been all the way by the Bean? But Fate is Fate, and he supposed Fate would've found a way. And at this moment, he was just a bit more satisfied with his life than he usually was. He made his way home, unbothered by the emptiness and lack of decor of his rooms, and fell right in bed- surprisingly exhausted, and found himself asleep in moments. The next morning found Alexey laying in bed, slowly coming to consciousness- before his eyes snapping open. Irish lady! Amena! Soulmate! He paused, though. What of it? He wasn't going to spend every moment of the day with her... He told himself this, as he pulled out his phone, flipped to the newest number in his depressingly empty contacts, and sent a cheery good morning message. Then he went to go take a shower and get cleaned up.