The MSO-6's wide open cockpit provided a very nice feild of observation, Nishizawa was currently using it to marvel at the smoke trail Raven #3 was producing, it seemed like clouds almost. Clouds of fear and aircraft oil and violence, but clouds none the less. Watching the zealous pilot U-turn, Nishizawa called in her hits, "Taragettsu hist, rudda dameaged, he iz smroking desu." The girl began to plot a course to give chase to her target, until she heard an ominous low buzzing noise, the sound of large propellers, the large propellers of a larger bomber. Scanning around, she saw Reggie (and heard his loud ass cussing over the radio) but saw the real issue, the bomber. Nishizawa herself barely had time to curse as she saw the guns line up. In seconds, the local air around her Shenshi Gado was replaced with bullets, not all that accurate, but bullets none the less. As the bullets struck the metal with loud [i]clangs[/i], Nishizawa grimaced as she pulled the air break and dropped alititude fast enough to get the turrets off of her. Now with relative safety, she examined her plane. They got a good dusting on her, she'd give them that much, but nothing major, a few holes and some dents with scrapped paint jobs, nothing to write home about. She took a moment to collect her thoughts, hoping nothing would distract her in the meantime.