Siegfried sighed as he looked at the dragon. He found it strange that his scar wasn't hurting. "Just be careful." he said to Regina. "I don't want you falling on the dragon." He looked to his scar again before hearing a voice coming from the cave entrance. "Someone's coming. Someone I don't recognize." He looked back the way they had come from. "Two." He said, sniffing the air. "One of elvish decent, the other smells of alcohol. I would guess a dwarf. The pair eventually caught up with them. "A drunken gnome." He said to himself, hearing his whispered words. "We're not assassinating the dragon." He sighed. "We're trying to get an artifact it has to save the town a few days away." He then tapped the gnome's head. "You know it's not polite to stare." Not even a minute after the half-elf and gnome had caught up with them, he heard a couple more voices outside the cave. These two were not loud enough to be understood but he still knew they were there. "Wait here." He whispered to the group. "I'll be right back." He began walking back towards the cave entrance, running into Isabeau, Robert, the dwarf and the healer. Looking at the healer, he knew she would ask about his wounds. "They're already healed." He said to her, showing the places the wounds had been. "The halving is working with the half-Orc to get the artifact. And the group has a pair of new members; a half-elf and a gnome." With a motion of his hand for them to follow, he headed back towards the dragon. Except they took a wrong turn and ended up by another dragon. "That's not the same dragon." He said, clutching his curse mark in pain. "And this one is evil. We need to get back to the others." He moved past them quickly but quietly, hoping this dragon wouldn't wake or sense the curse. After correcting their course, he led them back to the group, frowning.