As seemingly everyone else launched, Chuck simply stood staring at the monitors to see what people were deploying. Looked fairly common overall, lots of the obvious stuff. He also wondered why they'd drawn lots right then and there if nothing had come from it and why the teacher insisted in calling simple things grandiose names and acting as though they were rare privileges. Really, he wasn't liking what he was seeing much. All the...overblown-ness of it all and seemingly everyone else not even bothering to be terribly creative with their gunpla in favor of just going for the already established high end, popular stuff. Granted, the Zeong wasn't exactly an obscure mobile suit and wasn't typically seen as weak. And modding a Geymalk into a notZeong wasn't terribly original, but it was still better than a lot of what he could see. His thoughts were interrupted by a large warning sign demanding all remaining pilots launch, and he looked around to see he hadn't been the only one to wait and see what they were up against. With a shrug, he placed his GP Base and Axis Zeong and launched without a word. He always felt kind of weird saying the whole launching bit. If it'd been some sort of private booth like the early stuff he might've done it but in public it was...nah. Of course there were a few people lying in wait, targeting the places where they knew launch ports popped up to get easy kills. Couple Strike Freedoms, a couple Kshatriyas and a Full Armor Unicorn, with simple custom paintworks. Chuck was thankfully prepared thanks to a John Bull Gundam deploying ahead of him and being subsequently reduced to not particularly large chunks. Considering all five focused fire on single targets, they were probably in league. Considering they then turned to a different launch port to focus down a Serpent next, they were definitely not very smart. Sure, it assured them kills but it also let other targets slip. Like Chuck. "Come on guys that's not cool, what the hell. You're not even being clever about it" he said, more to himself than anyone else, as he opened fire with his eight reactor-fed mega particle guns placed all over the Axis Zeong's body, plus all 10 barrels of its beam machineguns, making sure to split targets evenly to maximize damage dealt. The Strike Freedoms were the first to go, as their beam shields couldn't completely cover them while they tried to fire back. Both the Kshatriyas and the FA Unicorn managed to cover themselves with their I-Fields, but were reduced to simply staying put trying to block the consistent stream of shots coming from Chuck's unit. This was when Chuck noticed something strange. See, after the 7th Gunpla Battle World Championships particle limits were hard-coded into the system to force battlers to actually watch what they did in battle rather than mount as many high power systems and weapons as they could. Considering all of the Axis Zeong's weapons were wired to its generator there should've been a noticeable level of drain firing them all, to prevent him from just kind of going full blast all the time. Well, his particle levels weren't going down. Like, they kind of were but not in any significant way compared to the huge amount he had available. The school for Gunpla Battle was ignoring the rules implemented for balance after the prior ruleset allowed people to exploit particle mechanics to victory, turning battles into whoever could mass the most particles at eachother. It was ridiculous. "WHAT THE HELL! YOU DON'T WORK PARTICLE LIMITS?! WHAT THE CRAP GUNPLA INSTITUTE ARE YOU?!" he screamed as he just kept firing his multiple guns at the machines that managed to keep their I-fields up by the same token, leaving them deadlocked. But only for a little while. Mobile suit-mounted I-fields weren't terribly reliable until Late UC, after all. It took until the massive technological advances and much-improved generator output of units like the Crossbone X3 for MSes to reliably mount effective, constant-use I-fields which still had a bad tendency to overheat. Something Unicorn conveniently "forgot". Or maybe they actually did forget. Gundam was pretty bad about keeping its own canon in line after all, what with the constant Mobile Suit Variations and side-stories that gave the OYW ridiculously advanced technology that would've better fit in Zeta era or even further down the line. But yes, eventually all 3 I-field equipped units overheated and lost their defense, after which they were instantly destroyed. Only...hundreds left to go? Maybe? Was it a last man standing type of deal? A timed survival event? A numbers game where the battle would end at a specific number of survivors? Chuck Ford wondered all this as he slowly and carefully making his way across the battlefield, making sure to take plenty of cover and avoid obvious sniper line of sight. He kept track of the action around him with a conveniently-placed, real time strategy-like minimap in his HUD, almost absentmindedly commanding his creation to shoot down targets that came into a large designated killzone of his own. It was simple enough with four mono-eyes and all those guns.