[hider=Isabella Leclerc] Name: Isabella Leclerc Age: 28 Gender: Female Disposition: Bellicose, frenetic, results oriented, health nut. Isabella is a person that finds it very difficult to sit still for any measurable period of time. If idle hands are the devil's playthings then Isabella has an archangel in her palms. If she isn't working then she is either exercising, training, or asleep. There still appears to be deep scarring left from her days before joining the Preying Panthers and that doesn't just include her face and body. If there is any impetus for her constant activity it appears to be a fear of being alone with her own thoughts, and so the few times she isn't throwing herself into some task she surrounds herself with others. She keeps to a very exacting regimen of exercise in order to keep her body in peak physical shape. According to Isabella, this is so she can get the most out of her augments as it doesn't matter if her arms are rated for 600 pounds of lifting capability when the bones and muscles they are anchored to will destroy themselves at half that. While on leave Isabella has a prodigious drinking habit and likes to always be the life of any party she can find, though she is doubly sure to burn off all those empty calories once the haze has worn off. To her comrades she is jokingly called a robot both because of her Prostheses and refusal to remove herself from a task until she is finished, not that she is emotionally cold or distant. Quite the opposite in fact. People tend to be put off by her intensity and aggression more than anything else, and she is known for picking fights with strangers if the opportunity presents itself. While certainly an aggro individual she doesn't like to curse much, and will instead come up with creative alternatives to commonplace invective. Background: Isabella was born to working class Sardonian parents who, like most working class blokes in a nation on the rise, were staunch patriots. This patriotism rubbed of on Isabella at a young age and stuck with her throughout her relatively uneventful childhood and adolescence. It led her to join the Sardonian Defense force at the age of 18 where her high scores in coordination and motor control landed her a spot in the nation's illustrious FRAME units. At the time when she finished basic and got assigned to a FRAME unit, the regions that would become the USK were still under the boot of the PU whose constant saber rattling resulted in a border war with the ISS. This would be Isabella's first taste of combat as her unit was quickly thrust to the front to stem the tide of a Perizian advance. Her early battles were against light infantry and infantry fighting vehicles and were therefore slaughters. They instilled in her a euphoric sense of invincibility that was to be short lived once proper PU armor was deployed to the region. While in transit between border towns, Isabella's squad were caught off guard by a prowling unit of Perizian MBTs. The first shot of what was to be a devastating fusillade blew out the front half of the cockpit of her FRAME, taking with it her arms, eye, and shredding her internals with white hot shrapnel. It appeared to be divine providence that she managed to survive the encounter at all as the others in her squad were not so lucky. Considering the scope of the damage, many say she was lucky to be born Sardonian as both of her arms were ruined up to the shoulder, her eye and parts of her skull had been blown clean away, and her ribs were crushed. She would require extensive reconstructive surgery as well as the wholesale replacement of her arms with prostheses. Her replacement eye managed to cover up most of the facial scarring and reconstructive surgeries actually succeeded in restoring her mostly to her initial facial shape, but her body remains crosshatched with scores of scars from the initial attack and the dozens of surgeries needed to remove the bits of shrapnel and crushed bone from her torso. By the time she was discharged from the military hospital the border conflict had ended with the forming of the USK and a new battle was beginning for the survival of the fledgling nation had begun. She was given the option to re-enlist in the ISSDF but when she found that the ISS was not sending any ground troops to support the USK she declined, no point sitting on a military base with a thumb up her arse til she grew too old to be a FRAME jock. Instead she put herself on the market as a mercenary FRAME pilot in need of a job and a FRAME. She spent a few years jumping around between several low key companies operating in the USK/PU border region before eventually finding her way into the fold of the Preying Panthers. Her reputation as an armor hunter brought her to the attention of Captain Bentz, and having satiated her lust for vengeance, she signed on to the team having found a need for a stable income that didn't come standard to the life of a free agent. Appearance: [url=http://orig07.deviantart.net/8ea5/f/2015/312/0/b/confederation_agent___beyond_the_stars_by_limontea-d9fzc53.png]Isabella[/url] is an attractive women with slightly greater than shoulder length blonde hair(tied up during operations to not get in the way) which frames a face that looks out with a single gray eye. She stands at an impressive 5'10" and has an athletic build brought on by her line of work and borderline obsessive fitness routine. Her most notable features however are her cybernetics and extensive bodily scarring. A Near miss from a run in with a PU MBT blew out the front half of her cockpit, resulting most obviously in the loss of both arms and her right eye, though the damage extended internally as well. Her replacement arms are a new military design that more easily blends in with flesh, though close inspection reveals the are certainly mechanical, while her replacement eye is far more noticeable. Having decided that one way or another she was going to return to the field some day and found that a rugged and functional design would beat out looks any day. Her new eye has more in common with a FRAME's sensor and fire control suite than it does with any fleshy bit it was meant to replace and has the added bonus of making her look like a pirate, so overall a win-win there. Inventory: -10mm pistol (Sardonian Defense Force standard service pistol) -anti-rejection medication -Bomber Jacket bearing former unit insignia, "Harman's Harpies" Funds: 276,160c [/hider] [hider=MP21-AC Handau "Ghost Killer"] Name: MP21-AC Handau "Ghost Killer" Manufacturer: Kelhei Manufacturing Height: 4.3 meters Weight: 6627 kg Armor: 45 mm durasteel alloy Speed (Walk): 42 kph Speed (Skate): 72 kph Sensor range: 2 km Communication range: 10 km Operating range: 500 km Power: 140 Weight: 85 Price: 305,840c Armaments: -1x Autocannon(AFC-40/L) (8) -2x Missile Launcher (MGR-2A) (40) -1x AP Machine Gun (MG27) (2) [/hider]