[color=ed1c24][b][h3]Dmitri Pavlovich[/h3][/b][/color] [@xxrhoo][@Shikaru] [color=f7941d]I was not thrilled with the idea of moving to a shack, not all of my enemies were magical, still Mason's files indicated that was a very thorough sort of person. So perhaps his wards would deal with them too, but if it did how would Anya and I get through? I'd burn that bridge when I got to it, we clearly couldn't stay here and none of my bolt holes was in any way suitable for the habitation of a small human girl, much less two, and they were even less suitable if I was also using it. I'd have to fix that soon, it was an exploitable weakness I couldn't afford, but I don't have time to address it now.[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Liz, can we drive to your place? I don't relish the thought of walking through snow, ice and flying knives to get to it. And would you rather walk out on your own or be carried out?"[/color] [color=8882be]Dmitri would tell Anya to carry Liz, if she needed to be carried. If Anya balked, he'd argue that Anya was perfectly capable of leaving him in the dust and loosing him, even while carrying Liz, while Dmitri would be severely hindered by the awkward weight, light as it was, and would sorely miss the use of his hands. Hopefully that wouldn't be necessary, but that bridge too could be burned as it was reached. Dmitri moved cautiously to the door, peeking through the splintered crack in the top of the door. There didn't appear to be anyone waiting for them out side, though a strange couple was approaching the front door. Dmitri wondered if he'd interrupted a party or something. He stepped back, keeping himself between Liz and the door as he readied himself to launch a two fronted attack on the approaching couple; just in case they proved to be hostile.[/color] [color=ed1c24]"You hosting a party today, Anya, or did you just install a new trouble magnet?"[/color]