[center][color=coral][h1]Laura Johnson[/h1][/color][/center] [center][@Desire][@Wade Wilson][@CandiBarr][/center] The bump knocked the wind out of her, and Laura took a good look at the man she had knocked into, noticing that he was actually rather handsome and well-built, just the way she liked it. She took his hand, and got to her feet as he pulled her up effortlessly. [color=coral]"It's okay, I'm sorry as well. That was kinda reckless thing to do."[/color] All caught up in the moment, she didn't realised that she was still holding the guy's hand until he let it go when the previously-sobbing woman came towards her with fury written on her face. Laura was now faced with the brunette who had gone from sobbing to ultimate bitch mode faster than a blink of an eye. She demanded to know who she was, albeit in a rather vulgar way, and Laura was left to think for herself, was this what passed for greetings nowadays? Or was it simply this woman turning insane? Just a minute ago, she was on the floor weeping as she craddled the now-dead walker's head, now she was taking it out on her. She answered. [color=coral]"Well, hi to you too [i]lady[/i]. I'm Laura. I'm new to the area. Came because of the gun shots and decide to explore and see what I could find. Found walkers, and a bunch of people, you guys."[/color] Chancing a glance around, she saw that the kid had decided to follow her up after all, hiding back her backpack. Mouthing the words [i]She's crazy.[/i] to him, she turned back to face the front. The man she had bumped into helped her up, offering his hand and apology at the same time. Their little party got bigger as two other people appeared in the apartment area. A man in a suit and another woman, this one dressed in a jacket and aviators. The man started talking about getting into a circle and singing [i]Kumbaya[/i]. She had never heard the song before, but she guessed that it was an african song about peace or something. The well-built guy who she bumped into then said he was heading down to fill his bike and do other stuff. As he trudged down the stairs, Laura turned around to follow. [color=coral]"Wait for me! I'll help you!"[/color]