[@Lucius Cypher] Okay so I'll allow a max of two characters per RPer at the current moment, a third if I feel the RP needs or can use it, (might be neat for a possible story branch we can work out) I like all of your characters, very creative. especially the gunslinger. His range will be terrifying though, due to the primitive tech being used his long rang accuracy (and also the volatility of his "shells") would be the only hindrances, and maybe just the shotgun/hand cannon. Keep the small arms to hand to hand and melee combat. Other than that both of the Chars I've seen have been accepted (provided you don't mind starting with two.) I would also like to make one suggestion to Raijin and that is without proper rest the consistent use of her elemental powers would cause to weaken over time, causing her unable to use her more powerful attacks for a brief time causing her to "burnout". Over time she will grow and manage this however i feel like she could become one terror of a demon on the battlefield.